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1878 Allegheny Twp. Tax List2


Sep 14, 2015

1878 TAX LIST — Allegheny Twp., Somerset Co., Pa.

Items crossed out below were crossed out in the original records. (500) = the total assessed value of all items listed. Locations given are post office addresses.

AMERINE, Phillip: 400 acres – unseated (400) “sold to Com. 1874”
AMES, Phillip: 400 acres – unseated (400) “error”
AMES, Thomas: 439 acres – unseated (439)
AULT, Daniel: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
AULT, Henry: Clerk (50)
BAER, Henry J: Berlin; Freeholder; 50 acres (126); 1 cow (18)
BAER, Ishmael: Non-resident; Freeholder; 100 acres (158)
BAER, Peter\’s Widow: Berlin; Freeholder; 79 acres (l01); 1 horse (40) ; 1 cow (18)
BAER, Peter estate: Freeholder; 400 acres (630)
BAKER, David: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
BARE, Ludwick: 300 acres – unseated (300). “sold to Com. 1874”
BARKLEY, Franklin: Berlin; Freeholder; 80 acres (171); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
BARKLEY, George W: West End; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
BARKLEY, Jacob: Dividing Ridge; Singleman; 1 horse (50)
BAWYER [Sawyer?], Jefferson: Carpenter (50)
BENDER, Benjamin: Non-resident; Freeholder; Buckstown; 127 acres (315)
BENDER, Peter A: Buckstown; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
BENNING, Conrad: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 50 acres (200); 2 horses (100)
BENNING, George: Mt Healtha; Tenant; Mechanic (50); 1 cow (18)
BERKLEY, Ludwick\’s Widow: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 145 acres (341); 1 cow (18)
BITTNER, David: Johnsburgh; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
BLACK, John: 440 acres – unseated (440)
BOWEN, Thomas: 234 acres-unseated (468)
BOWERS, Charles: Non-resident; Freeholder; 100 acres (189)
BOWERS, John: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 102 acres (386); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
BRANT, George D: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 134 acres (507); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
BRANT, Samuel J: Berlin; Freeholder; 94 acres (252); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
BRANT, Solomon: Berlin; Tenant; Laborer (30)
BRANT, William A: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 200 acres (504); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
BRENSINGER, William: Tenant; Laborer (30)
BRICK, Peter: Berlin; Freeholder; 233 acreS (685); 1 horse (50); 3 cows (54)
BRIDEGUM, John: Mt Healtha; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
BROOK, Conrad: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
BROOK, Ludwick: Fairhope; Freeholder; 185 acres (584); 2 horses (100)
BURKHART, Christopher: Tenant; “old” [(10) crossed off]
BURKHART, Cyrus: Shanksville; Freeholder; 200 acres (315); 1 cow (18)
BURKHART, Israel: Fairhope; Freeholder; 75 acres (189); 1 cow (18)
BURKHART, Jacob: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; Shoemaker .(40); 20 acres (150)
BURKHART, Jacob F: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 316 acres (1,008); 2 horses (90); 4 cows (72)
BURKHART, Joseph: Fairhope; Freeholder; 50 acres (189); 1 cow (18)
BURKHART, Joshua J: Johnsburgh; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
BURKHART, Solomon: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 150 acres (671); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
BURKHART, Walter: Non-resident; Freeholder; 94 acres (119)
BUZZARD and DEVOUR: 200 acres – unseated (200) “sold to Com. 1878”
CARMANY, John: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
CATON, Solomon: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; Laborer (30); 50 acres (126); 1 cow (20)
CHECK, George: 110 acres – unseated (330) “sold to Com. 1878”
CHECK, John: 40 acres – unseated (40)
CLITZ, Levi: Fairhope; Freeholder; Laborer (30); 77 acres (252)
COFFROTH and SANNER (STERTZ): Non-resident; Freeholders; 240 acres (1,134)
COFFROTH and SCHELL: 67 acres – unseated (500); 140 acres – unseated (FLICKINGER)
(280) “sold to Com. 1878”; 200 acres – unseated (SWITZ) (1,500)
CONNER, William: New Baltimore; Freeholder; (Mechanic ?) (40); 6 acres (284); 1 cow (18)
CORLEY, Henry: West End; Freeholder; 110 acres (504); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
COUGHENOUR, Daniel: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 70 acres (328); 1 horse; 2 cows (36)
COUGHENOUR, Isaac: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 100 acres (378); 20 acres (76); 2 horses (90); 2 cows (36)
COUGHENOUR, Michael: Fairhope; Singleman; Laborer (30)
COUGHENOUR, William: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 94 acres (530); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
CRISSINGER, Simon: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 97 acres (341); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (20)
CUSTER, Samuel: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 75 acres (378); 2 horses (100); 1 cow (18)
DEAL, Jacob: Non-resident; Freeholder; 40 acres (153)
DEAMAN, Augustus: Johnsburgh; Freeholder; 150 acres (630) ; 2 horses (100); 3 cows (54)
DEANER, Albert: New Baltimore; Tenant; Shoemaker (50)
DEANER, John: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 48 acres (252); 2 horses (100); 1 cow (18)
DEBAR [Dibert?], Isaac: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
DEEMAN, George: Johnsburgh; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
DEEMAN, Samuel: Johnsburgh; Singleman; Laborer (30)
DEETER, Ananias: Dividing Ridge; Singleman; Laborer (30)
DEETER, Artemus: Dividing Ridge; Singleman; Saddler (40)
DEETER, John: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 85 acres (567); 141 acres (447); 48 acres (95); 3 horses (150); 3 cows (54); 186 acres – KNEPPER (non-resident)
(200); 260 acres – SCHELL (892)
DENGLER, John: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 135 acres (540); 1 horse (40); 2 cows (36)
DERRY, James: 145 acres-unseated (145) “sold to Com. 1876”
DEW, William: 265 acres – unseated (265)
DORN, Charles: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; Laborer (30); 1 town lot (200); 1 cow (18)
DORN, Lewis: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 horse (40)
DORN, Nicholas: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 92 acres (328); 1 horse (30); 1 cow (18)
DORNER and BENDER: Cumberland; Non-residents; Freeholders; 346 acres (2,142)
DORSEY, Henry: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 259 acres (980); 2 horses (100) ; 2 cows (36)
ELLENBERGER, George: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 3 cows (54)
ELLENBERGER, Michael: Dividing Ridge: Freeholder; 100 acres (419); 2 horses (100); 2 cows (36)
ELLENGER, Frederick: 495 3/4 acres – unseated (300)
EMEIGH, Charles: New Baltimore: Freeholder; 127 acres (599); 1 horse (40); 1 cow (20)
EMEIGH, Martin: New Baltimore; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 2 cows (40)
EMERICK, Jacob: Johnsburgh; Singleman; Laborer (30)
EMERICK, Peter: Fairhope; Freeholder; 196 acres (756); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
ENGBERT, Francis: New Baltimore; Tenant; 2 horses (100); 1 cow (18)
ENGBERT, Frederick: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 60 acres (422); 148 acres (560); 1 horse (50); 4 cows (72)
ENGLE, Gabriel: Berlin; Tenant; 2 horses (100); 1 cow (18)
ENGLE, Jacob: Johnsburgh; Tenant; Laborer (30)
ENGLEKA, Charles: Berlin; Singleman; Laborer (30); 1 horse (50)
ENGLEKA, Francis: Berlin; Freeholder; 400 acres (630); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (18)
FAIR, Hesekiah: New Buenavista; Non-resident; Freeholder; 250 acres (945)
FAIR, Jacob: Johnsburgh; Freeholder; 100 acres (504); 3 acres (7); 1 horse (75); 2 cows (36)
FAIR, Samuel: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
FELTON, Conrad: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 300 acres (756); 150 acres (144); 2 horses (100); 2 cows (36)
FELTON, George; .New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
FELTON, Henry; New Baltimore; Freeholder; 142 acres (716); 45 acres (171); 2 horses (100); 1 cow (18)
FELTON, Henry: New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
FELTON, John: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 64 acres (374); 1 cow (18)
FELTON, Solomon; New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
FELTON, William: New Baltimore; Singleman; Shoemaker (50)
FERLEY, Francis: New Baltimore; Tenant; Laborer (30)
FERNER, Eli: Fairhope; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
FERNER, John: Johnsburgh; Tenant; Laborer (30)
FERNER, Mary: Mt Healtha; Non-resident; Freeholder; 84 acres (378); 16 acres (20)
FIRLEY, John: New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
FIRLEY, Joseph: New Baltimore; Singleman; Mechanic (50)
FIRLEY, Widow: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 214 acres (810); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
FLICKINGER, Lewis: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
FLOWERS, Susan: Non-resident; Freeholder; 200 acres (252)
FOREST, Andrew: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
FOUST, David: New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
FOUST, George: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 20 acres (76); 2 horses (100); 1 cow (18)
FOUST, Henry: Mt Healtha; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
FRIEDHOFF, Henry: New Baltimore; Non-resident; Freeholder; 143 acres (441); 2 horses (100)
GAITHER and COLBORN: 150 acres – unseated (175); 19 1/2 acres – unseated (25)
GARDNER, George: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 82 acres (230); 1 horse (40); 2 cows (36)
GARDNER, John: Mt Healtha; Tenant; Laborer (30)
GEIGER, John: Fairhope; Freeholder; 248 acres (945); 1 horse (65); 2 cows (36)
GEORGE, Adam: New Baltimore; Non-resident; Freeholder; 80 acres (567); 48 acres (467)
GIBSON, George: 397 acres – unseated (397)
GIBSON, John: 406 acres – unseated (817)
GILLESPIE, William: New Baltimore; Non-resident; Freeholder; 200 acres (378)
GINDLESPARGER, John: Non-resident; Freeholder; 50 acres (126)
GINDLESPARGER, Joseph: Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
GLESSNER, Augustus: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
GLESSNER, Edward: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
GLESSNER, George: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30)
GLESSNER, George W: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 50 acres (189); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
GLESSNER, Henry: Mt Healtha; Singleman; Laborer (30)
GLESSNER, James: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
GLESSNER, Joseph: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
GLESSNER, Samuel: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
GLESSNER, Widow: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 60 acres (227); 1 horse (40); 2 cows (36)
GLESSNER, William: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 100 acres (252); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
GOLDEN, Thomas: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
GOSSAGE, J.C.: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
GREIN, Jacob J: Fairhope; Singleman; Laborer (30)
GRIFFIN, Samuel: Laborer (30)
GROFF, Widow: Berlin; Freeholder; 50 acres (126); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
HAGGERTY, James: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
HANKINSON, James: New Baltimore; Tenant; 2 horses (100); 1 cow (18)
HANKINSON, Joseph: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 59 acres (126)
HANKINSON, Widow: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 210 acres (530)
HARMAN, Widow: Johnsburgh; Freeholder; 125 acres (504); 1 cow (18)
HARMEN, George: Johnsburgh; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
HARTGE, Frederick: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 158 acres (797); 1 horse (50); 3 cows (54)
HARTGE, Henry: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 237 acres (819); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
HARTGE, Henry Jr: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 48 acres (114); 1 cow (18)
HARTMAN, Jeremiah: Roxbury; Freeholder; 34 acres (199); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
HASHISER, Emanuel: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 50 acres (158); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
HAY, Valentine: 92 acres – unseated (400); 45 acres – unseated (225)
HENRY, Lucas: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
HENRY, Newton: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
HETTRICK, Martin: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
HILLEGASS and MOWRY: Dividing Ridge; Freeholders; 400 acres (1,396); 2 horses (100); 1 cow (18)
HILLEGASS, Alexander: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 120 acres (776); 2 horses (100); 3 cows (54); 1 pleasure carriage (40)
HILLEGASS, Jacob B: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 225 acres (1,950); 424 acres (801); 50 acres (378); 38 acres (75); 79 acres (289); 291 acres (567); 6 acres (26); 3 horses (160); 4 cows (72)
HOCHSTETLER, Conrad: Berlin; Freeholder; 215 acres (473); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
HOHURST, John: 200 acres – unseated (400)
HOON, Philip: Non-resident; Freeholder; 7 acres (171)
HOYLE, Joseph: Dividing Ridge; Singleman; Laborer (30)
HOYLE, Levi: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 72 acres (126); 1 cow (18)
HUFFERT, George: Plasterer (50); 1 cow (18)
HUPPARD, Charles: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 256 acres (1,000); 1 horse (60); 4 cows (72)
IMGRAND, Adam: Tenant; 1 horse (50); 3 cows (54)
JENNINGS, Patrick: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
JORDAIN, Laurence: Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
JORDAN, Michael: New Baltimore; Tenant; 1 horse (75); 1 cow (18)
JORDAN, Michael: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 156 acres (567); 1 cow (18)
KEEFER, Daniel: Berlin; Freeholder; 60 acres (227); 1 cow (18)
KEEFER, Israel: Berlin; Freeholder; (Mechanic?) (40); 25 acres (63); 1 cow (18)
KEISER, Samuel: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
KELLER, George: Westend; Freeholder; Laborer (30); 1 acre (126); 1 cow (18)
KELLER, Henry: Westend; Freeholder; 60 acres (297); 2 cows (36)
KELLER, Reuben: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 102 acres (378); 1 horse (70); 2 cows (36)
KELLER, Wesley: New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
KELLEY, Rudolph: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 50 acres (158); 1 cow (18)
KELLEY, William: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (20)
KENEDY, Francis: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
KEYSER, Henry: Fairhope; Freeholder; Laborer (30); 50 acres (100)
KILLINGER Brothers and Company: Fairhope; Freeholders; 792 acres (2,495); 90 acres (454); 2 horses (100)
KIMMEL, George A: Mt Healtha; Tenant; Laborer (30); 2 cows (36)
KIMMEL, John O.: Non-resident; Freeholder; 250 acres (945)
KIMMEL, Simon: Farmer; 1 horse (45); 1 cow (18)
KLINK, Philip: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30)
KNAPPE, John: New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
KNIPPLE, William H: New Baltimore; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
KRONE, Michael: Non-resident; Freeholder; 35 acres (36)
KUNKLE, John: Non-resident; Freeholder; 18 acres (63)
LANDIS, Henry: Non-resident; Freeholder; 30 acres (126)
LANDIS, Joel: Berlin; Freeholder; 150 acres (441); 2 cows (36)
LING, John: Berlin; Freeholder; 120 acres (882); 2 horses (100); 3 cows (54)
LING, Peter: 419 acres – unseated (419)
LOGUE, Andrew: Johnsburgh; Freeholder; 150 acres (567); 1 cow (18)
LOGUE, Isaac: Shanksville; Tenant; “old” (5)
LANG, Jesse: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 126 acres (504); 1 horse (40)
LONG, (Y.?) T.: Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
LOWRY, Francis: Johnsburgh; Singleman; Laborer (30)
LOWRY, Oliver: Johnsburgh; Singleman; Laborer (30)
LUCKEN, Francis: Non-resident; Freeholder; 16 acres (20)
LUMAN, John: Non-resident; Freeholder; 179 acres (630); 30 acres (76)
LUMAN, William: West End; Tenant; 2 cows (36)
MANGES, David: 1 horse (45); 2 cows (36)
MARTIN, Benjamin: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
MARTIN, Francis Jr: New Baltimore; Tenant; Laborer (30)
MARTIN, Francis Sr: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 400 acres (882); 2 horses (100); 6 cows (108)
MARTIN, John: New Baltimore; Tenant; 2 horses (100); 2 cows (36)
MARTIN, John H: Fairhope; Freeholder; 150 acres (250); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
MAY, William: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30)
MAYBUSHER, Henry: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 92 acres (404); 1 horse (40); 1 cow (18)
MENGES, George D: Buckstown; Freeholder; 117 acres (406); 1 horse (75); 2 cows (36)
MEYERS, Emanuel: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30)
MEYERS, George: Dividing Ridge; Singleman; Laborer (30)
MEYERS, Jacob: 469 acres – unseated (469)
MEYERS, Jeremiah: Dividing Ridge; Singleman; Laborer (30)
MEYERS, John: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30)
MEYERS, Josiah E: Berlin; Singleman; Laborer (30)
MEYERS, Oliver: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 128 acres (400); 1 cow (18)
MEYERS, William: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (20)
MILES, James: 107 acres – unseated (107)
MILLER, Abraham D: Non-resident; Freeholder; 153 acres (479)
MILLER, Allen G: Non-resident; Freeholder; 418 acres (527)
MILLER, Andrew: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 131 acres (504); 2 horses (100); 1 cow (18); 1 pleasure carriage (50)
MILLER, Daniel A: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 121 acres (441); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
MILLER, Frederick: Johnsburgh; Freeholder; 272 acres (1,500); 2 horses (20); 4 cows (72)
MILLER, Harry: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Mechanic (40); 1 cow (18)
MILLER, John: Dividing Ridge; Singleman; Laborer (30); 1 horse (50)
MILLER, John A: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 53 acres (134)
MILLER, John (L?): Laborer (30)
MILLER, Joseph H: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 246 acres (1,008); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
MILLER, Josiah: Non-resident; Freeholder; 10 acres (38)
MILLER, Samuel A: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 208 acres (1,049); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
MILLER, Tobias A: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 228 acres (1,260); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (36)
MILLER, William H: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Shoemaker (40); 1 cow (18)
MOHLAN, Thomas: West End; Tenant; Laborer (30)
MOWRY, John: Fairhope; Freeholder; 246 acres (930); 1 horse (60); 3 cows (54)
MUSSER, John: 102 acres – unseated (102) “sold to Com. 1878”
McBRIDE, George: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
McCALlON, Thomas:. Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
McCALL, Joseph: 400 acres – unseated (400)
McVICKER, Jefferson: Dividing Ridge; Singleman; Laborer (30)
McVICKER, Jesse: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 78 acres (221); 1 cow (18)
McVICKER, John: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Shoemaker (40); 1 horse (50)
McVICKER, William: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30)
NEVILLE, Richard: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
NEWLAND, George: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 173 acres (473); 50 acres (189); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
OBERG, Augustus: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30); 2 cows (36)
ORDNER, George: Fairhope; Freeholder; 1 acre (221)
ORDNER, John: Clock-cleaner (5) “this man has only one arm”
OSWALT, John: Laborer (25)
PLATT, Frederick: Johnsburgh; Freeholder; 170 acres (378); 1 cow (18)
POORBAUGH, Andrew: Johnsburgh; Freeholder; 180 acres (475); 1 horse (50); 2 cows (26)
POORBAUGH, Uriah: Shoemaker (25); 1 cow (18)
POPP, Joseph: Tenant; 1 cow (18)
PUGH, James H: Buckstown; Tenant; 3 horses (150); 5 cows (90)
RANKER, Christian: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
REED and MEYERS: Non-residents; Freeholders; 400 acres (1,008); 30 acres- MOWRY (95)
REESE, S.S.: Freeholder; Mechanic (50); 60 acres (200); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
REITZ, Hertman H: New Baltimore; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
REITZ, John C: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 290 acres (1,386); 2 horses (150); 1 cow (18)
RIFFLE, Sylvester: New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
RIFFLE, Widow: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 100 acres (315); 1 horse (40); 1 cow (18)
RINGLER, Henry: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; “old” (5)
RINGLER, Jefferson: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; “supported poor” (5); 1 cow (18)
RINGLER, Joshua: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
ROSS, Jacob: New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
SAIRFOSS [Zerfuss? Surface?], Jacob: Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
SARBER, Joseph: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; Laborer (30); 5 acres (40)
SARBER, William: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 68 acres (200); 2 horses (100); 1 cow (18)
Savage Fire Brick Company: Non-resident; Freeholder; 300 acres (2,646); 2 horses (100)
SAYLER, Conrad: Berlin; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
SAYLER, Samuel: Johnsburgh; Tenant; Laborer (30)
SAYLER, Widow: Freeholder; 115 acres (145)
SCHELL and Company (MILLER): 110 acres unseated land (330)
SCHELL, Henry (KELLEY): Non-resident; Freeholder; 200 acres (504)
SCHELLER, Conrad: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 160 acres (567); 1 cow (18)
SCHELLER, John W: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 553 acres (2,091); 1 horse (60); 3 cows (54)
SHAFFER, Abraham: Johnsburgh; Freeholder; 110 acres (215); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
SHAFFER, Frederick: New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
SHAFFER, George: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 127 acres (480); 2 horses (100); 2 cows (36)
SHAFFER, Rubin: Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
SHARIC [Sharrock?], William: Shanksville; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
SHROYER, Herman: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
SIDES, Matilda: Non-resident; Freeholder; 100 acres (252)
SKINNER, William: 411 3/4 acres – unseated (4341,) “sold to Com. 1872”
SMITH, HARTMAN, and Company: Non-residents; Freeholders; 260 acres (656)
SMITH, Charles: Johnsburgh; Tenant; 1 cow (18)
SMITH, Charles F: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 148 acres (630); 2 horses (100); 2 cows (36)
SMITH, Frederick: Johnsburgh; Freeholder; 130 acres (284); 1 cow (18)
SMITH, George: 200 acres – unseated (200)
SMITH, Jacob: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
SMITH, Joseph: New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
SMITH, Widow: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 98 acres (250); 22 acres (32); 1 horse (40); 1 cow (18)
Somerset and B.T.P. Company: Freeholder; 1 acre (252)
SORBER, George: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30)
SORBER, Henry Jr: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 60 acres (89); 1 cow (18)
SORBER, Henry Sr: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 235 acres (1,008); 1 cow (18)
SORBER, John: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 48 acres (189); 2 horses (100); 3 cows (60)
SORBER, Maria: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 100 acres (252); 1 horse (40); 1 cow (18)
SPEICHER, David: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 130 acres (492); 2 horses (100); 3 cows (54)
STATLER, Andrew: Non-resident; Freeholder; 385 acres (882); 100 acres (315)
STEIF, John: Non-resident; Freeholder; 31 acres (95)
STERTZ, Josiah &amp; Adam: Fairhope; Freeholders; 115 acres (441); 2 horses (100) 4 cows (72)
STONER, Noah: Roxbury; Freeholder; 87 acres (315); 150 acres (378); 1 horse (50); 3 cows (54)
STOUFFER, Christian: Non-resident; New Baltimore; Freeholder; 110 acres (440); 2 cows (36)
STOUFFER, William: New Baltimore; Tenant; Laborer (30)
STRIPE, David: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 50 acres (89); 1 horse (40); 1 cow (18)
SUDER, Peter: Roxbury; Freeholder; 200 acres (630); 1 horse (60); 1 cow (18)
SUHRE, Cornelius: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 176 acres (788); 2 horses (90); 3 cows (54)
SUHRE, Francis: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 146 acres (552); 3 cows (54)
SUHRE, Matthias: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 130 acres (328); 2 cows (36); $750 in notes &amp; bonds
TIPTON, Jacob: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 240 acres (908); 2 horses (100); 3 cows (54)
TIPTON, John W: Mt Healtha; Singleman; Laborer (30)
TIPTON, Joseph: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
TOM, Samuel: 278 acres – unseated (278)
TOMLINSON, D.S.A.: Mt Healtha; Tenant; Preacher (50); 1 horse (40)
TOPPER and Brother: Non-residents; Freeholders; 22 acres (252)
TOPPER, Ambrose P: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 125 acres (328); 1 horse (50)
TOPPER, Sylvester: Non-resident; Freeholder; 50 acres (89)
TRIEBER, Frederick: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 31 acres (189)
TROUTMAN, Jacob: Non-resident; Freeholder; 154 acres (630)
TUMA, Tim: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
VELKER, Michael: Laborer (25)
WALKER, George G: West End; Freeholder; 300 acres (1,417); 100 acres (252); 2 horses (100); 2 cows (36); 1 pleasure carriage (50)
WALKER, Henry L: West End; Singleman; Teacher (50)
WALKER, Samuel: Mt Healtha; Freeholder; 220 acres (914); 127 acres (396); 235 acres (667); 280 acres (504); 3 horses (150); 5 cows (90)
WALKER, Samuel G: West End; Tenant; 2 cows (36); 1 pleasure carriage (50)
WAMBAUGH, Francis: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 63 acres (159); 1 cow (20)
WAMBAUGH, Jacob: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 160 acres (504); 1 horse (50); 3 cows (60)
WAMBAUGH, Lewis: New Baltimore; Tenant; Laborer (30); 1 cow (18)
WAMBAUGH, Sylvester\’s Widow: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 134 acres (580); 2 horses (100); 2 cows (36)
WAMBAUGH, William: Non-resident; Freeholder; 1 acre (95)
WARE, Alexander: Dividing Ridge; Tenant; Laborer (30)
WARE, Amos: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 60 acres (252); 1 horse (40); 1 cow (18)
WARE, Jackson: Johnsburgh; Tenant; Laborer (30)
WARE, William: Dividing Ridge; Freeholder; 363 acres (1,373); 2 horses (100); 2 cows (36)
WARNER, Albert: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 113 acres (285)
WARNER, Andrew: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 180 acres (577); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
WARNER, Francis A: Non-resident; New Baltimore; Freeholder; 122 acres (461)
WARNER, Wentle: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 62 acres (227); 1 horse (30); 2 cows (36)
WEBER, Francis: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 300 acres (914); 1 horse (50); 3 cows (54)
WEBER, William: New Baltimore; Tenant; Laborer (30); $1,000 in notes &amp; bonds
WEICHTMAN, Henry: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 200 acres (756); 1 horse (50); 3 cows (54)
WEIMER, John: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 90 acres (227); 2 cows (36)
WEIMER, Peter: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 80 acres (202); 1 horse (50); 1 cow (18)
WEISEL, Philip: Non-resident; Freeholder; 40 acres (252)
WELD and SHERIDAN: Non-residents; Freeholders; 44 acres (278)
WELD, Henry Thomas: Non-resident; Freeholder; 325 acres (1,517); 400 acres (1,008)
WELLS and CULBERTSON: 400 acres – unseated (400)
WELLS, John E: 394 acres – unseated (394)
WELLS, Mary: 422 acres-unseated (422) “sold to Com. 1876”
WELLS, Rachel: 200 acres – unseated (200) “sold to Com. 1876”
WERTZ, Espy: Fairhope; Tenant; Laborer (30)
WEYAND, Daniel: Non-resident; Freeholder; 267 acres (630) [80 acres (200) crossed off] “on unseated list”
WEYAND, Daniel: 80 acres – unseated (200)
WILL, George: New Baltimore; Singleman; Laborer (30)
WILL, John: New Baltimore; Tenant; 1 cow (18)
WILL, Laurence: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 267 acres (882); 1 cow (18)
WILL, Philip estate: Non-resident; Freeholder; 162 acres (630)
WOLF and Company: 40 acres – unseated (40) “sold to Com. 1876”
WOLFHOP and SUHRE: Non-residents; Freeholders; 30 acres (76)
WOLFHOP, Bernard: Non-resident; Freeholder; 16 acres (30)
WOLFHOP, Henry: New Baltimore; Freeholder; 104 acres (756); 100 acres (188); 2 horses (100); 2 cows (36)
YUTZY, Chauncy: Farmer; 1 horse (25); 1 cow (18)


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