• Thu. Feb 6th, 2025


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Quaker Marriages of Southern Lancaster County


Feb 27, 2014

Quaker Marriages of Southern Lancaster County


Quaker Marriages of Southern Lancaster County
Married at Little Britain Friends Monthly Meeting, unless otherwise noted.

PAYNE, George of York co. son of Josiah Payne, decd
3/26/1752 married at the home of James King
COWGILL, Rachel dau of Henry Cowgill, of Drumore twp.

KING, Thomas son of James and Isabel King of Little Britain
COPPOCK, Ann dau of John and Margaret Coppock

COOK, Stephen son of John Cook, late of Londongrove, and Eleanor
5 /31 /1759
WILLIAMS, Margaret dau of Ennion and Frances (decd) , late of Talbot Co. Md

BROWN, Eleazer son of Thomas Brown, West Nottingham decd
GILBERT, Mary dau of James Gilbert (decd)

SIDWELL, Joseph , son of Hugh Sidwell, decd and Anne of West Noottingham
MIDCALF, Rachel dau of James decd and Margaret his wife Little Britain

COWZEN, John son of John and Elizabeth Cowzen of Great Britain decd
PEARSON, Sarah dau of John and Margaret Pearson Middletown Chester county

COX, John son of William and Mary Cox, Baltimore county
STEDMAN, Sarah dau of Richard and Ann Stedman of Lancaster county

COPPOCK, Joseph son of John Coppock of Little Britain
WILSON, Jane dau of John Wilson of East Nottingham

BROWN, Eleazer son of Thomas Brown, West Nottingham decd and Ellen Brown
HEWES, Sarah dau of Joseph and Ann Hewes decd

BROWN, Samuel son of Joshua Brown of Little Britain
STEDMAN, Ann dau of Richard Stedman of Little Britain

HEWES, Edward son of Joseph Hewes and Ann his wife decd
STUBBS, Mary dau of Daniel and Ruth Stubbs Little Britain

KING, Vincent son of James and Isabel King decd Little Britain
BROWN, Mary dau of Joshua and Hannah Brown decd

WEBSTER, William of Little Britain
COPPOCK, Margaret of Little Britain

COPPOCK, Samuel son of John and Margaret Coppock Little Britain
SIDWELL, Ellen dau of Isaac and Ann Sidwell of Little Britain

MAULE, Daniel son of Thomas Maule decd and Zillah his wife late of Chester
BROWN, Hannah dau of Joshua and Hannah Brown decd Little Britain

REYNOLDS, Samuel son of Samuel and Susannah Reynolds of West Nottingham
KING, Isabel dau of Thomas and Ann King Little Britain

WEBSTER, John Little Britain
PLUMMER, Hannah Little Britain

REYNOLDS, Reuben son of Samuel and Susannah Reynolds,West Nottingham
KING, Margaret dau of Thomas and Ann King Little Britain

KING, James son of Thomas and Ann King, Little Britain
PLYE, Phebe dau of Moses and Mary Pyle, decd of Little Britain

MIDCALF, Abraham son of James Midcalf and Margaret his wife decd of Little
Britain 3/2/1786
MORGAN, Rebekah dau of William decd and Ann Morgan Little Britain

STUBBS, Joseph son of Daniel and Ruth Stubbs decd
PLYE, Ruth dau of Moses and Mary Pyle both decd Little Britain

REYNOLDS, Levi West Nottingham son of Samuel and Susannah Reynolds of same
KING, Jane dau of Thomas decd and Ann King Little Britain

COOK, Isaac son of Stephen and Margaret Cook Londongrove
STUBBS, Sarah dau of Daniel and Ruth Stubbs decd of Little Britain

SIDWELL, Henry son of Henry decd and Margaret Sidwell West Nottingham
PLUMMER, Cineh dau of Thomas and Phebe Plummer Little Britain

REYNOLDS, Joseph son of Samuel and Susannah Reynolds West Nottingham
KING, Mary dau of Thomas decd and Ann King Little Britain

PYLE, Amos son of Moses and Mary Pyle decd of Little Britain
STUBBS, Ruth dau of Daniel and Ruth Stubbs decd Little Britain

RICHARDSON, Samuel Little Britain son of Joseph and Dinah Richardson
WEBSTER, Rebecca dau of William and Margaret Webster decd Little Britain

WILSON, Benjamin, East Nottingham son Benjamin and Lydia Wilson
SIDWELL, Anne, Little Britain dau of Hugh and Ann Sidwell both decd

HAINES, Timothy of York co., son of Job and Ester Haines
BROWN, Sarah dau of Jeremiah and Hannah Brown Lancaster county

BROWN, Benjamin Little Britain son of Jacob and Elizabeth Brown decd
SIDWELL, Rebekah dau of Isaac decd and Ann Sidwell Little Britain

ROGERS, Jeremiah of Drumore township son of Thomas and Katherine Rogers
BROWN, Anna dau of Jeremiah and Anna Brown Little Britain

ROGERS, Joseph East Nottingham son of Thomas and Katherine Rogers
KING, Miriam dau of Thomas decd and Ann King Little Britain

WEBSTER, Joshua son of William and Ann Webster, both decd, Little Britain
3 /11/1798
RICHARDSON, Mary dau of Joseph and Dinah Richardson, Little Britain

CARTER, Joel, West Nottingham, son of Samuel and Sarah Carter decd
REYNOLDS, Margaret, dau of Samuel and Isabel Reynolds, decd Colerain

COPPOCK, John son of Samuel and Elen Coppock , Little Britain
KIRK, Catherine, dau of Timothy and Lydia Kirk,decd, West Nottingham

REYNOLDS, Levi, Little Britain , son of Samuel and Isabel (decd)Reynolds,
Colerain 3 /12 /1801
KIRK, Mar , dau of Timothy and Lydia Kirk, decd, West Nottingham

EMBREE, Merrick, West Bradford, son of James Embree and Phebe , decd
BROWN, Lydia, dau of Joshua decd and Zilliah Brown

STUBBS, Isaac , Little Britain, son of Daniel decd and Ruth Stubbs
BROWN, Hannah , dau of Jeremiah, and Hannah Brown Little Britain

COOK, William, Warrington twp. York co. son of Samuel and Ruth Cook, both
decd 11/29/1802
CUTLER, Susannah, Little Britain , dau of Benjamin decd and Susannah Cutler

LIVEZEY, Jonathan , son of Daniel. late of Bucks co. and Margery his wife
KING, Mary, dau of the late Vincent King and Mary his wife Little Britain

BROWN, William, son of Isiah and Miriam, his wife Little Britain
3/13/1805 married Eastland Meeting
MILNER, Rachel, dau of Nathen and Mary Milner, same place

MATHEWS, John, son of Thomas, decd and Rachel Mathews Gunpowder Md.
KINSEY, Alice, dau of John and Mary Kinsey, Little Britain

IVES, John, of Philadelphia, son of Thomas and Rachel Ives, hereto for of
Chester co. 11/9/1805
HARLAN, Pamela, dau of Joseph and Rachel Harlan, Little Britain

MILNER, Cyrus, son of Nathen and Mary Milner, Colerain twp.
4 /16 /1806 married at Eastland Meeting
CARTER, Sarah, dau of Samuel and Ruth Carter, West Nottingham twp.

HARLAN, Ezekiel, son of Joseph and Hannah Harlan, Former decd of Little
Britain 10/23/1806
HESTON, Hannah, Cecil co. Md., dau of John Heston and Hannah his wife decd

GARRETSON, John, son of Garret Garretson and Phebe, his wife decd
WEBSTER, Sarah, dau of Isaac and Ruth Webster, Little Britain

REYNOLDS, Stephen, son of Jacob and Rebeckah Reynolds, Decd West Nottinham
Hundred, Cecil co , Md. 6/10/1807 married at Eastland meeting
KINSEY, Hannah, dau of Isaac Kinsey, late of Baltimore and Mary his wife decd

KIRK, John, son of Roger and Rachel, Fawn Twp., York co.
BROWN, Deborah, Dau of Jeremiah and Hannah his wife, decd

HAINES, Jacob, son of William Haines and his wife Rebechah, decd of West
Nottingham hundred, Cecil co Md 9/16/1807
FURNISS, Sidney, dau of Thomas and Mary Furniss of Little Britain

RICHARDS, Isaac, son of Thomas and Hannah of West Nottingham, Cecil Co, Md.
1/13/1808 at Eastland Meeting
WOOD, Lydia, dau of Joseph and Catherine Wood, West Nottingham, Cecil Co, Md.

GRAY, Jacob son of Joseph decd and his wife Ann Gray of Little Britain
3/16/1808 at Eastland Meeting
REYNOLDS, Elizabeth dau of Henry and Elizabeth Reynolds of Little Britain

SMEDLEY, Lewis, son of Joseph and Rebekah Smedley of Little Britain
HARLAN, Mary, dau of Joseph, decd and Hannah his wife of Little Britain

BROWN, David, son of John and Mary, Little Britain
5/11/1808 at Eastland Meeting
FURNISS, Martha, dau of Thomas and Mary Furniss of Little Britain

ROGERS, Thomas, of East Nottingham, Cecil Co. Md
3/15/1809 at Eastland Meeting
BROWN, Anne, of Little Britain

WOOD, Jesse son of Joseph Wood decd and Catherine Wood of West Nottingham,
Chester Co., Pa.
9/20/1809 at Eastland Meeting
CARTER, Rachel, dau of Samuel and Ruth Carter of same place

CUTLER, Jesse son of Benjamin Cutler, decd and Susanna Cutler of Little
Britain 11/15/1810
STUBBS, Mary, dau of Joseph and Ruth Stubbs of same place.

WHITE, Job, son of Benjamin and MarthaWhite decd of Warwick twp, Bucks Co., Pa.
5/15/1811 at Eastland Meeting
KINSEY, Phebe Dau of John & Mary Kinsey Little Britain

KINSEY, Seth son of John & Mary Kinsey of Little Britain
5 /16/1811 at Eastland Meeting
PICKERING, Rachel dau of Jesse and Ann Pickering of Little Britain

MILLER, Thomas son of John and Sarah Miller of Lower Makefield, Bucks Co., Pa
10/16/1811 at Eastland Meeting
BALLANCE, Mary dau of Joseph and Anna Ballance of Little Britain

CUTLER, Benjamin son of Benjamin decd and Susanna Cutler of Octorara
Hundred, Cecil Co.,Md. 11/14/1811
QUINBY, Miriam of Little Britain dau of Aaron and Lydia Quinby

BROWN, David son of John and Mary his wife the latter decd of West
Nottingham twp, Chester co, Pa. 3/11/1812 at Eastland Meeting
REYNOLDS, Sarah dau of Henry Reynolds, same place and his wife Mary, the
former decd

REYNOLDS, Henry son of Henry and Elizabeth Reynolds of Little Britain
COPPOCK, Mary dau of Samuel and Elenor Coppock, decd same place

KING, Thomas son of James and Phebe King of Little Britain
BROWN, Rachel dau of Joshua and Deborah, decd his wife twp, foresaid

SMEDLEY, Eli son of Joseph Smedley decd and Rebekah his wife of Little
Britain 12/16/1813
HAMBLETON, Elizabeth dau of James and Elizabeth his wife of Drumore township

RICHARDS, Thomas , Jr. of West Nottinghamtwp, Cecilco Md son of Thomas
Richards and Hannah his wife 4/14/1814
STUBBS, Orpah of Drumore twp., dau of Joseph and Ruth Stubbs

SMEDLEY, Joseph son of Little Britain son of Joseph decd and Rebeckah his
wife 11/16/1814 at Eastland Meeting
BALLANCE, Rachel dau of Joseph and Anna Ballance same place

KING, Amos Little Britain son of James and Phebe his wife
THOMAS,Agnes dau of Thomas Thomas and Mary his wife of same place

KING, James Little Britain son of James and Phebe his wife
SMEDLEY, Rebeckah dau of Joseph Semdley decd and Rebeckah his wife of same place

SMITH, Samuel London Grove twp, C Co son of Joseph and Elinor his wife
RICHARDSON, Hannah Little Britain dau of Samuel and Rebecca his wife

KINSEY, Jehu Drumore twp. son of Joseph late of Tinicum twp Bucks Co. and
Anna his wife both decd 10/4/1816
HAMBLETON,Alice dau of James Hambleton of Drumore & Elizabeth his wife

FULTON, John Sadsbury twp son of Thomas same place & Hannah his wife the
latter decd 11/13/1817
CUTLER, Hannah dau of Benjamin and Susanna of Little Britain former decd

PARRY, David Drumore son of John Late of Buckingham Co of Bucks decd and
wife Rachel 12/17/1817 at Drumore Meeting
RICHARDSON, Lydia dau of Joseph late of Little Britain decd & Dinah his wife

SMITH, James Londongrove, C Co. son of Joseph Smith & Elinor his wife
RICHARDSON, Ruth Little Britain dau of Samuel Richardson Rebecca his wife

HEWES, Joseph Little Britain son of Edward of Borough of Wilmington state
of Del. 7/16/1818
BROWN, Hannah widow dau of Jesse Pickering of Little Britain and Ann his wife

COATES, Levi Londonderry Twp, C. Co son of Samuel E. Caln Twp. and Abigal
his wife latter decd 8/12/1818 at Drumore Meeting
SMITH, Ann dau of Joseph & Eleanor his wife of Drumore twp.

THOMAS, Calab Little Britain son of Thomas Thomas and Mary his wife
WEBSTER, Rebecca dau of Nathan & Rachel his wife decd twp aforesaid

PEIRCE, Ellis Lower Oxford C. Co. son of Jonathan , twp of Marl. & Rachel
his wife 12/8/1819 at Eastland Meeting
FURNISS, Phebe dau of Thomas Furniss and Mary his wife Little Britain

MASON, Benjamin Newlin twp C. Co. son of Benjamin & sarah Mason latter decd
STUBBS, Sarah dau of Vincent and Priscilla Stubbs of Little Britain

HAMPTON, James Bush Creek Fredrick co. Md. son of John Hampton & Mary
10/4/1820 at Drumore Meeting
WALTON, Emily dau of Amos of Drumore & Eliza his wife

KING, Lewis Little Britaiin son of James and Phebe his wife
THOMAS, Sarah dau of Thomas and Sarah his wife same place

LAMBORN, Thomas Martick son of George & Martha his wife latter decd
3/13/1822 Drumore twp
BRADLEY, Lydia same twp dau of George Bradley and Mary his wife

GREIST, William W. Nottingham twp son of Thomas & Priscilla of the same place
6/18/1823 at Eastland Meeting
WILEY, Margaret Little Britain dau of Thomas & Catherine both decd

SMITH, Joseph Drumore son of Joseph & Elinor
9/17/1825 at Drumore twp.
SHOEMAKER, Tacy dau of Jacob and Joyce Shoemaker Latter decd same place

LAMBORN, Benjamin Martick Twp. son of George & Martha latter decd
1/21/1824 at Drumore Meeting
BRADLEY, Rachel dau of George & Mary Bradley same place

BERNARD ,William Bart Twp. son of Richard & Sarah of Newlin Twp Chester co.
STUBBS, Ruth dau of Vincent & Priscilla Stubbs Little Britain

RICHARDSON, Issac Little Britain son of Joseph and Dinah his wife both decd
4/21/1825 at Eastland Meeting
CARTER, Ann dau of Samuel & Ruth his wife of West Nott. twp C. Co.

SHOEMAKER, Thomas Drumore twp. son of Jacob and Joice Shoemaker
11/29/1826 at Drumore Meeting
BOLTON, Abi dau of Isaac and Elizabeth same place

HEWES, Joseph Little Britain son of Edward & Mary Hewes Borough of Wilm.
Newcastle Del. 12/21/1826
KING, Ann dau of James and Phebe of Little Britain

HAINES, Nathan of W. Nottingham Hundred Cecil co Md., son of Joseph Haines &
Rebeckah his wife both decd 5/13/1827 at Eastland Meeting
WOOD,Elizabeth dau of David and Hannah his wife W. Nottingham Hundred Cecil co Md

HARLAN, Benjamin Little Britain son of James and Eliza former decd same place
5/13/1827 at Eastland Meeting
MILLER, Mary dau of Joseph and Mary Ballance same place

PAXSON, Henry colrain twp. son of Joseph and Hannah latter decd
10/17/1827 at Eastland Meeting
JOB, Rachel B. dau of Jacob and Letitia of Little Britain

BROSIUS, Joseph E. Marl. C. Co. son of Henry & Mary former died Upper
Oxford twp. C Co. 1/27/1830 at Drumore Meeting
PARRY, Rachel dau of David and Elizabeth Parry latter decd of Drumore twp.

BROOMELL, John Upper Oxford twp. son of Isaac and Lydia , same place
5/26/1830 at Drumore Meeting
PARRY, Letitia dau of David and Elixabeth latter decd, Drumore

LAMBORN, Smedley son of George and Mary of Jefferson co Ohio
12/22/1830 at Drumore Meeting
BOLTON, Margaret dau of Isaac & Elizabeth of Drumore

WOOD, Samuel West Nottingham C. Co son of David and Hannah same place
BROWN, Hannah dau of Levi and Harriet Little Britain

THOMAS, Calab, son of Thomas and Mary Little Britain Former decd
HEWES, Mary dau of Joseph and Lydia same place Latter decd

RUSSEL, John Drumore, son of Paul and Catherine
BROWN, Mary dau of Joshua & Deborah of Little Britain

WOOD, Day Little Britain son of Jesse and Rachel same place latter Decd
JACKSON, Eliza dau of Joel and Alice same place

SHOEMAKER, John Drumore son of Jacob and Joyce latter decd
4/23/1834 at Drumore Meeting
BOLTON, Sarah dau of Isaac and Elizabeth same place

CARTER, Enos P. Harford co. Md. son of Joel and Margaret latter decd
10/20/1834 at Eastland meeting
GRIST, Philena dau of William and Lydia latter decd Weast Nottingham C. Co.

MATTHEWS, William Baltimore co Md. son of Oliver & Hannah decd
BROWN, Sarah Lanc co dau of Phillip & Sarah Coale decd

PICKERING, John Little Britain son of Jesse & Ann his wife same palce
KING, Pheby dau of James & Phebe same place decd

COATES, Warrick Londonderry Twp C. Co son of Warrick & Elenor same place
she decd 3/24/1842
COOK, Ruthanna dau of William & Susanna his wife Little Britain

STUBBS, Thomas Little Britain son of Vincent and Pricilla decd
4/28/1841 at Drumore Meeting
PENNOCK, Martha L. dau of Simon & Sarah of Drumore

PARRY, Seneca Drumore son of David and Elizabeth latter decd same place
STUBBS, Priscilla dau of John and Ann Little Britain

PENNOCK, Robert L. Drumore son of Simon and Sarah same place
STUBBS, Susanna C. dau of John and Anna Little Britain

MOORE, David of Octorara Hundred, Cecil co. Md. son of Joseph and Jane of
Londongrove twp C. co. 10/25/1843 at Eastland Meeting
FELL, Leah dau of Benjamin and Jane of Little Britain

RICHARDS, Stephen W. Nottingham hundred, Cecil co Md. son of Jacob and Sarah
3/1/1844 at home of Vincent Stubbs
STUBBS, Rebecca H. dau of Vincent and Mary Little Britain

WOOD, James son of Jesse and Sidney Little Britain
2/26/1845 at Eastland Meeting
CARTER, Mercy M. dau of Jeremiah and Susan same place former decd

BOLTON, Jason Drumore son of Isaac and Eliza
10/23/1845 at home of Simon Pennock
PENNOCK, Joanna dau of Simon and Sarah same place

KIRK, John Fulton twp. son of Roger and Rachel his wife
BROWN, Sarah dau of Joshua and Rachel all decd except the latter

SMEDLEY, James Fulton twp. sonn of Eli and Elizabeth same place
10/21/1846 at home of William Ambler
AMBLER, Adaline B. dau of William and Elizabeth Martic twp

CUTLER, Alban son of Jesse and Mary
12/15/1846 Fallowfield Meeting
COATES, Mary dau of Samuel and Margaret

PASSMORE, Ellis P. W. Nottingham C. co. son of John W. and Deborah same place
12/23/1847 at residence of John Lincoln
LINCOLN, Mary E. dau of John and Francinah Cecil co. Md.

SMITH, George Drumore son of Joseph and Tacy
3/23/1848 at home of Israel Tennis
TENNIS, Emeline dau of Israel and Elizabeth same place

SMITH, Howard Drumore twp, son of Joseph and Tacy
10/19/1848 at the home of Israel Tennis
TENNIS, Sarah Ann dau of Israel and Elizabeth

KING, William Fulton twp. son of Lewis and Sarah latter decd
3/1/1849 at house of Isreal Reynolds
REYNOLDS, Rebecca D. West Nottingham twp C. co dau of Israel and Hannah

MALONEY, James Talbot Co. Md son of William of Sussex Co. Del & Sophia both
decd 5/21/1850 at house of Thomas Smedley
SMEDLEY, Sarah dau of Joseph of Lancaster Co.and Rebecca decd

BARNARD, John W. Marl C. Co. son of Jeremiah & Eliza his wife
11/28/1850 at house of Simon Pennock
STUBBS, Martha L. Drumore Twp dau of Simon and Sarah

GATCHELL, Samuel Little Britain son of Samuel and Hannah both decd formerly of
same place 11/19/1851 at res. of Israel Reynolds
REYNOLDS, Rachel B. dau of Israel & Hanna of W. Nottingham C. Co.

REYNOLDS, Joseph West Nottingham Twp. C. Co son of Israel & Hannah same
place 12/23/1852 at home of Alfred King
KING, Edith dau of Lewis and Sarah both decd formerly of Fulton twp

CUTLER, Chalkley B. Cecil Co. Md. son of Benjamin and Miriam former decd
4/17/1856 at house of Francis Wilkinson
WILKINSON, Elizabeth dau of William & Hannah decd

WALTON, Joseph, E. Fall Twp. C. Co. son of William & Hannah both decd
3/2/1859 at Drumore Meeting
PARRY, Priscilla S. widow of Drumore Dau of John & Anna Stubbs former decd

SMITH, Nathan , Lathimore twp. Adams co son of Thomas and Phebe decd
SMEDLEY, Mary dau of Eli and Elizabeth Fulton twp latter decd

KENT, Garrison W. L. , C. co. son of Daniel and Sarah
SHOEMAKER, Elizabeth dau of Thomas and Abi both decd

HULL, A. Haviland , Harford co. Md son of Abel A. & Almira his wife same
4/18/1864 at house of Joseph and Priscilla S. in Drumore
PARRY, Letitia dau of Seneca and Priscilla S. former decd

SHOEMAKER, William L. Drumore son of Jesse & Sarah
1/20/1870 at house of Alban Cutler in Drumore
LAMBORN, Alice A. same place dau of Smedley & Margaret both decd

HARRY, James , Harford co. Md. son of Joel and Eliza former decd
12/20/1870 at Joseph Thomas’
COALE, Lydia T. Lancaster co. dau of Ellis P. and Ruthanna former decd

CARTER, Phillip , Richland Twp. Belmont Co. Ohio son of John and Mary of
aforesaid place mem of Stillwater mo. meeting 2/29/1872 at home of Josiah Reynolds
REYNOLDS, Hannah dau of Josiah & Mary of Fulton Twp

YOCOM, Jesse, of Penn. Twp Morgan co. Ohio son of Thomas & Sarah same place
8/19/1872 at res of Ann & Mary King
, Annie dau of John and Mary Fulton twp former decd (pg 105)

PARRY, Samuel Harford co. Md. son of David of Buckingham Twp, Bucks co. &
lydia his wife latter decd 11/20/1873 at house of Vincent Stubbs
STUBBS, Hannah , dau of Vincent of Fulton twp & Mary his wife

BROWN, Jacob K. , Fulton twp son of Levi K. & Hannah C. Brown
9/2/1875 at house of George S. Lamborn
LAMBORN, Sallie E. Drumore dau of Smedley & Margaret both decd

REYNOLDS, Benjamin C. Cecil co. Md. son of Jacob and Anna
10/20/1875 at John W. Smedley’s at Oxford
SMEDLEY, Mary W. , dau of Joel and Martha, Lancaster co.

CUTLER, Horace, Drumore son of Alban & Mary C.
12/14/1876 at house of Horace Cutler
STEWART, Jennie of Lower Chanceford twp. York co. dau of Joseph O. and Anna decd

GOOD, Lewis , Penn twp C. Co son of Jesse & Amanda Good same place
1/24/1877 at res of Rachel B. Gatchell
GATCHELL, Hannah Mary dau of Samuel & Rachel B. former decd Fulton twp

EVANS, John, of West Chester son of Thomas and Phebe S.
11/28/1878 at home of William King
KING, H. Ida , of Little Britain dau of William and Rebecca D.

BOLTON, Wilmer P. , of Drumore twp son of Jason and Joanna P.
1/1/1879 at home of Alban Cutler
CUTLER, Cassandra S., of Drumore twp dau of Alban & Mary C.

MONTGOMERY, Westly Atwood, of Wilmington son of John E. and Sarah Jane
4/3/1879 at home of Susan H. Griffith
GRIFFITH, Elizabeth P. dau of Willliam M. decd and Susan H. of Little Britain

HAVILAND, Edwin, of Forest Hill, Harford co. Md. son of Bartlet decd and Deborah
4/22/1880 at home of Levi Brown
BROWN, Mary L., dau of Levi K. and Hannah C. of Goshen, Lanc. co

POWNALL, Henry, of Sadsbury Lanc. co son of Henry decd and Deborah
10/21/1880 at home of James Smedley
SMEDLEY, Louissa, dau of Jesse and Adeline B. of Fulton twp

LANDON, Bird, of St Nicholas Fla. son of Ashael decd late of South Her Grand
Island County Vt and Sarah Landon now residing at Troy NY
11/6/1880 at home of George Lamborn
MOORE, Cornella C., of Drumore twp dau of Thomas decd and Anna C.

KIRK, Samuel J., of Fulton Twp, son of Jacob and Hannah Kirk late of East
Nottingham Cecil co. Md decd 1/19/1882 at home of Thomas P. King
KING, Lauretta A., dau of Thomas P. and Phebe M. Of Fulton twp

FULTON, Edgar T., of 8th district, cecil co Md. son of Minshall and Cecilia
1/24/1884 at home of Edith K. Reynolds
REYNOLDS, Hannah L., dau of Joseph decd and Edith K of Fulton twp.

POWNALL, Moses, of Christiana, son of Ambrose of Philadelphia and Joanna D.
11/23/1882 at home of Thomas Smedley
SMEDLEY, Eva, dau of Thomas of Lyles, Lanc co. and Sophia C.

BICKNELL, William W., 5th Dist. Harford co. Md. son of Isaac & Pamela W.
former decd same place 2/22/1877 at res of Edith K. Reynolds
REYNOLDS, Sarah A., dau of Joseph and Edith K. Fulton twp, former decd

ALLEN, Davis E., London Grove C. Co, son of William of Londonderry & Ruth Ann
latter decd 3/22/1877 at res. of James Wood
WOOD, Mary, dau of James & Mercy of Little Britain

WOOD, Alfred, Little Britain , son of James and Mercy M
1/31/1878 at home of Thomas P. King
KING, Elmira dau of Thomas P. and Phebe, Fulton twp.

PICKERING, Jonathan, Little Britain son of Anthony and Joanna both decd
formerly same place 11/21/1878 at Vincent Reynolds
REYNOLDS, Priscilla, dau of Israel & Hannah former decd of W. Nottingham C. Co.

ARCHER,Robert H. of Harford Co. Md son of Robert H. and Deborah A both decd
10/25/1883 at home of Deborah H. Cook
COOK, Alice B., dau of Reuben decd and Deborah H. of Little Britain

SHOEMAKER, Charles, of Fulton twp son of Joseph and Emeline decd
11/20/1884 at home of Alban Cutler
CUTLER, M. Ella, of Drumore twp dau of Alban & Mary C.

TENNIS, J. Rutter of Drumore, son of Samuel and Mary R. decd
RITCHIE, Clemma, dau of Hugh decd and Alice

SWISHER, Charles R., of Rowlandsville, Cecil co Md. son of Jeremiah and
Rebecca R. 1/30/1890 at home of Cooper Stubbs
STUBBS, Edith R., dau of Cooper and Annie M. of Rowlandsville

STUBBS, Lewis Kirk, of Delta York co Pa son of Thomas Stubbs of Fulton twp
and Mary A. 9/16/1890 at home of Margaretta C. Hodgson
HODGSON, Sophia Duffield, dau of Mark A., Jr. of Oxford decd and Margarette
C. his wife

PAXSON, James M., of Little Britain son of James S. and Mary Letitia both decd
3/5/1891 at the Aldine Hotel Philadelphia
SMEDLEY, Hannah, dau of Thomas and Sophia C. both decd

WOOD, Lewis, of Little Britain son of James and Mercy M.
1/25/1893 at home of Alfred Wood
KING,Luella, of Fulton twp. dau of Thomas and Phebe both decd

SMEDLEY, John W., of Chester county son of Joel and Martha
1/26/1893 at home of Jesse Wood
WOOD, Lucretia, dau of James and Mercy M. of Lancaster co.

BLACKBURN, William Dorsey, of Fishertown, Bedford co son of Hiriam and Mary Ann
5/19/1896 at home of George S. Lamborn
LAMBORN, Lucretia M., of Liberty Square, Lanc Co. dau of George S. and Sarah

WOOD, James, son of James and Mercy M. (Little Britain)
3/24/1896 married by friends ceremony before Charles F. Warrick, mayor of Philadelphia
FITE, Elizabeth K.

BRADLEY, Martin H., son of Amos. K. and Mary V. of Fulton twp
2/16/1897 before mayor of Philadelphia Charles F. Warrick
STUBBS, Katharine A dau of Cooper and Annie M. of Fulton twp

EBY, Christian B. of Kingman Kansas son of Benjamin and Anna of Vintage, Pa
11/14/1899 at home of E. Henry Haines
HAINES, Mabell Adella, dau of E. Henry and Esther K of Pleasant Grove, Lancaster co

GEDDES, Eber H., of Marion twp, Morgan co Ohio son of George and Rebecca
12/20/1900 at home of Montilion Brown
BROWN, Florence R., of Fulton twp. dau of Montilion J. and Mary K.


Submitted courtesy of Southern Lancaster County Historical Society,
P.O. Box 33, Quarryville, Pa, 17566 or e-mail to SLCHS@aol.com
Typed by Marie Malark

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