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…bringing our past into the future

Historical and Biographical Work – Preface – Clinton County


May 12, 2011



One year ago, at the solicitation of friends, we began to gather material for a brief history of Clinton county. The difficulty in preparing a work of this kind cannot be understood by anyone who has not been engaged in a work of a similar nature. We present this volume to the public, with the assurance that the facts contained herein are as nearly correct as it is possible to obtain them. For much of the early history of the county we are indebted to the memory of individuals, and, as memory is not always infallible, we may have made some errors, but we feel confident they are few. We feel greatly indebted to our many friends who have furnished us with information, and we are particularly grateful to the different ministers who furnished us sketches of their churches; also, to J. B. G. Kinsloe, Hon. James W. Crawford, Hon. Coleman Grugan, Hon. John U. Shaffer, W. S. Carskaddon, T. T. Abrams, Esq., J. S. Bailey, Abbot B. Garth, Levi Consor, J. C. Sigmund, John E. Houlahan, P. H. Mulvihil, F. T. Morris, John McGhee, Captain J: S. Hall and J. W. Group.

Our thanks are also due to Hon. John Blair Linn, of Bellefonte, Pa., for valuable assistance rendered. Also, to the various newspapers of the county, for information taken from their columns. And to all who in any way have aided us in the preparation of this work, we extend our most grateful thanks.

Respectfully yours,

Lock Haven, Pa., July 5th, 1892.

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