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Columbian Star and Christian Index – 1829 Issues


Apr 15, 2009

Articles from The Columbian Star and Christian Index by W. T. Brantly.
Philadelphia, Printed by Martin & Boden, No. 204 Market Street; 1829

Vol. I
Saturday, July 4, 1829

A fire broke out on Friday morning, June 26, a little after eleven o’clock, in a brick building in South alley, near the printing office of the Columbian Star.  The building was of brick, and occupied by the Messrs. Wetherell’s as a manufactory of paints and varnish; the tar and oil soon sent forth volumes of smoke and flames, which seemed for a time to threaten extensive conflagration.
    The building was only accessible through alleys and yards, and the oil flowed from it in great quantities, and carried with it so much flame as to set on fire a frame building fronting on South alley considerably to the windward of the manufactory.  The hose were so soon laid, and the engines plied with such skill and vigor, that the conflagration was limited to the interior and contents of the building in which it originated and an adjoining stable, together with serious injury to the frame houses noticed.  Horses were conducted from the stables with their heads covered – and thus easily rescued.  The confined location of the destroyed building rendered  it necessary to take the hose and engines through some gardens, so that considerable inconvenience has been suffered by those in the vicinity of the fire.
    One or two firemen received some slight injury; a child fell into the gutter, and was severely scalded in the hot oil, and a female scalded her foot in the same way.

Horrible Deed.
    We learn from the Wyoming, Pa. Herald, that a deed of the most shocking description was perpetrated at the house of Henry Keck, in the township of Wilksbarre, Pa., on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 17; the particulars are briefly as follows:
    It appears that the above named individual and his father, John Keck, (both of whom were addicted to intemperance) had been for a long time on the most unfriendly terms, and when the latter would call at the house of the former, as was often the case, violent altercations would frequently take place between them.  At the time above stated, the old man stopped at the house as usual, and a quarrel ensued. The elder Keck, having a hoe in his hand, struck at his son, and cut him badly in the forehead.  Whereupon the latter (who had previously got possession of a loaded gun,) declared ‘he would shoot any man that would strike him with a hoe’ and instantly put a period to the life of the other by shooting him through the breast!!  The young man did not attempt or was unable to escape, and is now in prison awaiting his trial – we therefore forbear making any remarks on this horrid transaction.

July 18, 1829

Mr. H. Brown, was recently killed at the launching of a keel boat, near the mouth of Beaver creek, Pa.  He was caught by one of the rollers, impelled into the water and crushed to death.

On Saturday, July 11, a man named John M’Henry, was choked to death in Beaver, Pa., by a piece of biscuit in his throat.  He died instantly.

July 25, 1829

Married on Tuesday evening last, by W. T. Brantly, Mr. William Coffan of New Jersey, to Miss R. Anna Dean, of this city.

Died at Smithfiled, Ky., on the 10th ult. Peter Bass, Esq., formerly of Philadelphia, aged 60.

Died in Philadelphia, John Paul Schott, an officer of the Revolution, aged 85.

August 1, 1829

Mr. Weatherby, of Philadelphia, fell overboard from the Schooner Splendid, on the night of the 25th June, and was drowned.  He was an excellent young man, and his death is deeply lamented.

A little girl aged two years and 6 months, daughter of Mr. John Hair, of Beaver township, Pa., was lately killed in the bark mill of her father.  Having occasion to leave the building for a few moments, he found on his return, that the child had accidentally fallen into the mill, and was literally ground to atoms, the heavy roller having passed twice over her body.

Married in this city, on the 22d July, by the Rev. James Montgomery, Capt. George C. Read, of the U. S. Navy, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of the late Com. Richard Dale.

Died in Philadelphia, 25th ult., John R. Baker, merchant, aged 67.

Died in Philadelphia, July 22, Sarah Moore, 89 years.

August 8, 1829

Died in Philadelphia, July 20, Mrs. Elizabeth Videlet, age 90.

Died in Philadelphia, July 30, Solomon Cummings, age 50.

Died in Philadelphia, Mrs. Ann Arthur, age 44.

August 15, 1829

Married on the 13th June last, at Trinity Church, Mary-le-bone, London, A. G. Ralston, Esq., of Philadelphia, to Eliza, eldest daughter of Timothy Wiggin, Esq., of Harley st. London.

August 22, 1829

At the Court of Oyer and Terminer lately held at Pittsburgh, Pa., William Hamilton was tried for killing Charles Humphreys, and found guilty of murder in the second degree.

Died near Harrisburg, Pa., Jacob Bombarded, aged 85.

August 29, 1829

Died in Philadelphia, Hannah Smith

Died in Philadelphia, John Hanchman, aged 69.

Died in Philadelphia, John H. Stevenson, age 32.

Died in Philadelphia, George Duncan Croskey, age 51.

September 5, 1829

Singular and Painful Occurrence.
    The Doylestown, Pa., Patriot, of August 27, says: – on Monday after noon last, Mrs. Margaret Funk, of Hilltown, and only daughter of Christian Haldeman, of New Britain, attempted to drive a boar pig which was in the road into an adjoining field, when it turned upon and attacked her with much fury.  It is thought she jumped back and endeavoured to avoid it; but her foot caught something and she fell – the hog sprang upon her and in an instant thrust his tucks into her abdomen, broke one of the main arteries and mangled her in such a manner that she died in a few minutes.  Her husband was a near spectator at the time, but before he could, get to her relief the fatal work had been accomplished.  Mrs. Funk was about 26 years of age, and was much respected in the neighbourhood.  She has left a husband and two children, and a large circle of relatives and friends to lament her sudden and melancholy death.

Married in this city, on Thursday evening, August 27, by the Rev. W. Ballantine, William Staughton, D.D., to Anna C., daughter of Mr. James Peale, all of Philadelphia.

Married in this city, on Thursday evening, August 27, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop White, John W. Bartleman, of Augusta, Geo., to Ellen M., daughter of Joseph R. Barry, of Philadelphia.

Died at Manyunk, Pa., Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, age [70 or 76.]

September 26, 1829

A most horrible scene took place, at New Liberty, Pa., on Saturday the 5th of September at the public house of Jonas Richards.  Two young men named Wm. Smith and John Green, drank each a pint of brandy, and a half pint of whiskey.  The latter expired before any relief could be administered; and the former has recovered although for a time his life was despaired of.  Green was in general a sober and industrious man, and has left a widow and a small child to lament this loss.

During the late Bainbridge, Pa., Races, a riot or rather a succession of riots, took place between the visiters and the workman of the Pennsylvania canal.  A colored man lost his life (not instantaneously) in consequence of the bruises he received, one man had his leg so shattered with shot fired from a gun, as to render amputation necessary; many others were miserably mangled, cut and bruised, and some escaped with their lives by flight only.

A few nights since, about 12 o’clock, a person resident in Second above Arch street, Philadelphia, believed to be partially deranged, left his chamber unperceived, mounted on the roof and made his way along the tops of the neighboring houses until he reached Arch street.  He then turned the corner and proceeded down Arch street in the same manner, for a considerable distance; when arriving at an alley which he found it impossible to pass, she slid down the roof till his feet rested in the trough attached to the eaves.  He was rescued by his anxious friends who had missed him, and who prepared a couple of ladders to reach the roof, by splicing them with ropes.

Married in this city, on Wednesday evening, September 16th by Wm. C. Meade, D. D. Thomas K. Greenbank, Esq., to Miss Adeline Lavinia, eldest daughter of Captain Manlove, all of Philadelphia.

Married at Sedan, France, July 29th, Mr. Thomas Hulme, Jr., of Philadelphia, to Mademoiselle Maria Laure Payon, only daughter of J. W. Payon, Esq., of Sedan.

October 3, 1829

Died at his residence in Bucks county, Pa., the Rev. Thomas B. Montente, aged 61 – for near 40 years a minister of the Gospel in the Baptist denomination.  He was pastor of the Baptist church at Southampton, Pa., and the oldest minister of the Philadelphia Association.

Died at Lewistown, Pa., Henry R. Seymour, contractor on Section 108 of the Juniata Canal, and formerly of the state of New York.

Died at Lewistown, Pa., James Hunter, one of the contractors on section 113 of the Juniata Canal.

October 10, 1829

Deacon Jonathan Phillips.   This valuable and useful man was called to his rest in the early part of the present week.  He had been, for many years, a most efficient and exemplary officer of the Baptist Church in the Great Valley, Pa., and was know to us as the prudent, intelligent, decided Christian.

Married on Tuesday evening last, 6th inst., by the Rev. John L. Dagg, Benjamin Franklin Cooper, Esq., of Utica, N. Y., to Miss Mary Ann, eldest daughter of W. T. Brantly, of this city.

October 17, 1829    

Married at Germantown, Pa., on the 1st October, by the Rev. Thos. H. Skinner, the Rev. James Nourse, to Miss Sarah, daughter of the Rev. Samuel Harvey, all of that place.

Died in this city, on Monday the 5th Oct., Mrs. M. B. Carey, wife of Mathew Carey, Esq., in the 61st year of her age.  Mrs. C. was highly esteemed for her special and domestic virtngs, the uniform benevolence of her life, and her ardent piety.  She is deeply lamented by her bereaved relatives, and by a sympathizing community.

November 14, 1829

Pursuant to previous notice, a number of ministers and members of Baptist Churches, met on Thursday, the 22d of October at Milesburg, Centre co., Pa., to devise measures for promoting the interests of the Redeemer’s kingdom, more especially in the State of Pennsylvania.
The names of those attending this meeting, together with their places of residence be inserted in the minutes, when the following names were enrolled.
David Jones, Lower Dublin Church, Philadelphia county, Pa.
Thomas Brown, Great Valley, Chester county, Pa.
Joseph H. Kennard, Blockley, Philadelphia county, Pa.
George Higgins, Reading Church, Reading, Berks county, Pa.
Peter Powel, Burlington Church, Burlington, N. J.
Eugenio Kincaid, Mt. Zion, Clearfield county, Pa.
Samuel Williams, Pittsburg, Church, Pittsburg, Pa.
John Thomas, Twolick, Indiana county, Pa.
William Shadrach, Mount Pleasant, Fayette county, Pa.
George I. Miles, Milesburg, Centre county, Pa.
Joseph Miles, Milesburg, Centre county, Pa.
Andrew Barrett, Milesburg, Centre county, Pa
John Peter, Milesburg, Centre county, Pa.
Jacob Miller, Williamsburg, Centre county, Pa.
Jacob Thomas, Milton Church, Milton county, Pa.
James Hewlett, Milton Church, Milton county, Pa.
John Shanley, Birmingham, Huntingdon county, Pa.
Robert Ross, Birmingham, Clearfield county, Pa.

November 21, 1829

Married on Tuesday morning, Nov. 17th, by W. T. Brantly, Daniel M. Kiem, Esq., of Reading, Pa., to Miss Mary L. Shewell, eldest daughter of Thos. Shewell, of this city.

Married at the Great Valley, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Thomas Brown, Mr. John Massey, to Miss Jemima Garrett, both of Chester county, Pa.

December 12, 1829

Shocking Murder
The body of Mrs. Mary Maginty, of Danville, Pa., was recently found dead in her bed.  The infant daughter, about eighteen months old, was sitting by the side of its lifeless mother, weeping.  The husband of Mrs. M., was absent, and the appearance of the deceased warrant the conclusion that the poor woman had in the first place been most cruelly used, by a villain or villains, and then murdered by strangulation.

Effects of Jealousy.
A man by the name of Adolph Hatzfield, has been committed to jail in Reading, Pa., for stabbing and mortally wounding Dr. August Klein, of the same place.  Both were respectable citizens, and had lived together, under one roof, for years, upon the most amicable and friendly terms.  Both were married, and it was a fit of jealousy that caused the fatal affray, which will probably leave both of their wives widows.

December 26, 1829

Died on the 16th inst., in the 50th year of her age, Mrs. Mary Crossin, a member of the First Baptist Church in this city, and greatly respected for her exemplary piety.

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