• Fri. Mar 7th, 2025


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Daily Morning Post, 1854 Cholera Outbreak


Feb 8, 2009

Daily Morning Post
Pittsburgh, Pa

September 15, 1854 Friday


This singular disease, after having almost entirely disappeared from our neighborhood, has again broken out, and a number of deaths reported.  Innumerable rumors were current yesterday, of the violent manner in which the epidemic was raging in different parts of the city, but after the most careful examination, we found they were mainly destitute of truth, and exaggerated immensely.  The deaths which occurred were confined to no particular locality, but were scattered over the whole town indiscriminately.

The following is a list of the deaths so far as we could ascertain with certainty – those based on rumor we took no account of:

Mr. Charles O’Mealley, Sergeant of the Shield Guards, was attacked by the disease on Wednesday night, and died early yesterday morning.  He resided on Liberty street, near Seventh.  His body was escorted to the grave, in the afternoon, by the Guards.

Thomas Seanor, an Irishman, supposed to have been employed on the Steubenville Railroad, was picked up in the streets, on Wednesday night, and taken to the Tombs, where he died yesterday morning at half past five.

Alexander M’Laughlin, one of the City Watch, took sick in the evening of Wednesday, and died next morning at ten o’clock.  He resided in Cecil’s alley, near Liberty street.

A woman named Ditchler, residing on Decatur street, was attacked on Wednesday afternoon, at four, and died the same night at ten.

A young man, named Samuel Phillips, who resided at Mrs. Ervin’s Boarding House, on Fourth street, died early yesterday morning, after an illness of only a few hours.

Patrick Clark, a prisoner confined in the county jail, was seized with the disease on Wednesday night, and an order from the Court granted for his removal to a Hospital, but before reaching the place he died.

P. M. Barack, another prisoner, was also removed from the same institution, and conveyed to the Mercy Hospital.

Thomas Milligan, residing on the corner of Penn and Locust streets, died yesterday morning, between nine and ten o’clock, after being sick a few hours.

John Glant, an iron maker, living on Pine street, Fifth Ward, died about the same time.

A German, whose name could not be ascertained, in the employ of Mr. Oby, Livery Stable keeper, Liberty street, was attacked yesterday morning, shortly before dinner, and died at the Tavern of Mrs. Zimmerman, on Penn street, near the Canal, at half past two in the afternoon.

A German Tailor, and a small child, residing at Buhler’s Lager Beer Hall, near the corner of Penn and Walnut streets, died yesterday morning.

A laborer, named Smith, employed in the erection of a new building on Congress street, took sick yesterday morning while at work, and died at his residence a few hours afterwards.

A shoemaker, named Robert Byers, working for Mr. Warrington, on Fourth street, died in the afternoon about three o’clock.

Theodore Easly, a young lad, aged nine years, residing with his parents, on Wylie street, died in the afternoon.

A young man named Slade, about 22 years of age, died about eight o’clock in the evening, at the residence of his father, corner of Liberty and Fourth streets.

Mrs. Dunn, in Diamond alley, between Smithfield and Wood, attacked in the morning – died about nine o’clock last night.

Mr. Jacobs, residing on Marbury street, between Liberty and Penn, took sick at 10 o’clock, and died about dark.

Mr. Isaac Trobilio,  brother of Wm. Trovilio, Undertaker, attended the funeral of several in the afternoon who died from Cholera, and had just returned to town, when he was attacked by the disease.  He was conveyed to his father’s residence in Pitt township, where he died about four o’clock in the evening.

September 16, 1854

The Cholera.
This disease still continues its ravages, with but little, if any abatement.  The number of cases yesterday was about the same as the day before;  but we are happy to find that the attacks are of a milder character, and yield more readily to the power of the physician.  A great deal more alarm is felt than there is any occasion for.  In another day, if due carefulness is practiced, on the part of our citizens, and a little more attention paid to the cleansing of the filthy alleys and lanes, the disease will have lost its epidemic form.
The following is a list of the deaths yesterday, including also those who died on Thursday night, not noticed in the papers before.
1.    Mrs. Wallace,  residing on Washington street, near canal, was attacked on Thursday night, and died yesterday afternoon about three o’clock.
2.    A German woman named Hamen, in the same house; died on Thursday night.
3.    Joseph Miller, a butcher, living on Mulberry alley, between Walnut and Factory streets, died yesterday morning, about one o’clock, after an attack of a few hours.
4.    Peter Ketchenwalt, a German puddler, in Shoenberger’s mill, died in the Fifth Ward on Thursday night.
5.    Wesley Crawford, a boy ten years of age, living on Washington street, died at one o’clock yesterday morning.
6.    Samuel Caldwell, a tavern keeper on Liberty street, near Walnut, was attacked on Thursday morning, and died yesterday afternoon.
7.    Jacob Norton, puddler in Shoenberger’s mill, died early yesterday morning.
8.    Mrs. Sullivan, Webster street, after a very short illness, died yesterday morning.
9.    Mrs. M’Gonigle, in the rear of Gallagher’s Literary Depot, Fifth street, died late on Thursday night.
10.    Thomas S. Wynne, a boarder at the Red Lion Hotel, was attacked on Thursday, and died at half past six o’clock yesterday morning.
11.    Mr. Joseph Roberts, Sr., Jeweller, died at ten o’clock yesterday morning, at his residence on Federal street.
12.    James W. Buchanan, Esq., was in the city on Thursday afternoon, and returned to his residence at Braddock’s Fields, where he was attacked by the disease the same night.  He died at half past two o’clock yesterday morning.
13.    Mrs. Nancy Robb, living on Milbenberger’s Alley, near Sixth street, took sick on Thursday night, and died the next morning at half past two.
14.    John Palmer, colored barber, employed by Matthew Jones, died at his house on the corner of Elm and Webster streets, at six o’clock, yesterday morning.  Took sick the night previous.
15.    Mrs. Golding, colored, living on Clay alley, in the Sixth Ward, died yesterday afternoon, after an illness of two hours.
16.    Mrs. Polly Lewis, colored, on Clark street, near Centre Avenue, took sick on Thursday, and died the next morning, at three o’clock.
17.    Wm. Bailey, colored, Sexton of the African Church on Wylie street, died yesterday afternoon.  Became ill on Thursday.
18.    Thomas Tim, colored, formerly cook at the United States Hotel, died at his boarding house in the rear of Rob’t M’Coy’s Restaurant, Fifth street.
19.    Mrs. Gibbons, Try street, Eighth Ward, taken ill on Thursday, died yesterday morning at eleven o’clock.
20.    A tailor named James Thoburn, in the employ of Mr. M’Farland, Smithfield street, attacked on Thursday night, and died yesterday morning at five o’clock, at his residence on Try street, Eighth War.
21.    Christopher Gauss, 47 years of age, No. 492 Penn street, died yesterday morning.
22.    Gotleib Langlein, 50 years old, No. -7 Strawberry alley, died yesterday morning.
23.    Mr. Shreener, aged 51 years, died yesterday at No. 59 Washington street.
24.    Mrs. M. A. Wilson, Sixth street, died yesterday morning.
25.    Jacob Shrider, residing near the foot of Ross street, died early yesterday morning.
26.    Mrs. Kaskin, living on Pennsylvania Avenue, died yesterday morning.
27.    James Folern, in Eighth Ward, died early yesterday.
28.    A young man named James P. Smith, clerk in Graff’s dry goods store, on Fifth street, was taken ill on Thursday, and died at the boarding house of Mrs. Erwin, Fourth street near Ferry yesterday afternoon.
29.    James M’Clure, blacksmith, took sick on Thursday, and died yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock, at his residence, on Colwell street.
30.    Mrs. Kester,  died yesterday morning, at No. 66 Third street.
31.    Mrs. Febus, died about the same time at No. 133 Third street.
32.    James A. Smith, Duquesne Borough, died yesterday morning.
33.    Bernard Donovan, High street, was attacked yesterday morning, and died at 12, M.
34.    Mrs. Bradley, residing in a court above Smithfield street, on Virgin alley, died last night, after an attack of only a few hours.
35.    Charles Boyle, a resident of Pipetown, died early yesterday morning, attacked on Thursday night.
36.    Mr. Hugh M’Clelland, corner of Logan street and Wide alley, took sick on Thursday and died last night.
37.    An Irishman named Reiley, living on High street, died yesterday afternoon.
38.    Mrs. Elenor Neel, aged thirty-eight years, near Bakesil’s Glass Works, died yesterday morning.
39.    Catharine Heany, an infant, yesterday.
40.    A lad named, George M’Gonigle, aged ten years, on Thursday night.
41.    Mary Walker, aged twenty-seven years, yesterday.
42.    John Jones, eighty-five years of age, on Thursday night.
43.    Margaret Bipus, a young woman, aged twenty years, yesterday.
44.    Mr. Joseph Hamel, father-in-law of R. L. Westervelt, and manufacturer, St. Clair street, died at the residence of his son-in-law, yesterday at half past one o’clock.  Taken sick on Thursday.
45.    A German woman named Mrs. Backofen, while washing at the tavern of Mr. Freyvogel, on the corner of Grant and Water streets, yesterday morning, was taken suddenly ill of the disease, and conveyed to her residence on Van -am street, in the Eighth Ward, where she died last night.
It will be observed by the above list that the majority of deaths occurred from attacks first made on Thursday, and that there were but few fatal which originated yesterday from this fact, we judge a sensible diminution will be felt by the number of cases to-day, and that by Monday the disease will have left us entirely.  The heavy thunder storm we were blessed with on Thursday night has tended to purify the atmosphere somewhat; and if it is followed up by another, (of which there is every prospect) we will be perfectly easy and contented.

September 18, 1854 Monday

Decrease of the Cholera. As we predicted on Saturday, we have the gratification of announcing this morning that the Cholera has entirely lost the virulent and malignant character which it possessed last week, and has now settled down into a manageable disease, as easily conquered by the physicians as any other malady.  Rapid in its rise and progress, it is subsiding almost as quickly, and in a few days will exist only in the remembrance of our citizens.
    We have noticed one fact connected with the present appearance of the epidemic, which is somewhat remarkable.  In previous attacks, the disease was nearly always confined to a particular locality, and when one member of a family died, others of the same household were also invariably attacked.  This time, the disease is spread over the whole of both cities, and but few, if any, families are called upon to lament the loss of more than one of their number.  This circumstance, while it can be looked upon as a great blessing, will also afford strong proof of the non-contagious character of the distemper, and banish the foolish prejudices entertained by many, who, rather than enter the chamber in which a cholera patient is lying, will allow the poor sufferer to died from want of attention.  We have heard of several cases where houses were deserted by their inmates, on the first approach of the disease, and no inducements could persuade them to retune until the one attacked was removed.
    Notwithstanding, the deaths on Saturday were considerably under the number of the day previous, greater difficulty was experienced in arriving at a correct account.  As the deaths decreased, the rumors multiplied, and it required a reporter to have the gift of ubiquity to trace them all up to their source.  The following, we believe, will be found to be as accurate a list of the deaths on Saturday, (and those on Friday night not before reported,) as was possible to collect:
1.    Miss Mary Gallagher, on Clark street, near Elm, was seized with the disease on Thursday, and died on Saturday morning about one o’clock.
2.    An old man named George Craig, committed to the county jail sometime ago for larceny, was discovered in his cell in a dying condition, early on Saturday morning, and died shortly after.
3.    Mr. Davidson, St Clair street, near Penn, died on Saturday morning.  Attacked on Friday night.
4.    Mr. Hamilton, father-in-law of Campbell, shoe manufacturer, on the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, died on Friday night, at his residence in the Fifth Ward.
5.    Michael McDonald, brass founder, living on Tunnel street, attacked on Friday night, and died Saturday about noon.
6.    James Roe, High street, took sick on Friday and died on Saturday morning.
7.    A child six years of age, named Joseph Adams, on Sixth street, died on Saturday morning.
8.    Mrs. Steinbrink, a German woman, on Locust street, Fifth Ward, died on Saturday morning.
9.    A young girl, about 14 years of age, named Fillinger, residing with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Gunter, milliner, on Smithfield street, attacked at 9 o’clock on Friday, died next morning at 3 o’clock.
10.    David Edwards, stopping at Spencer’s (Bull Head) Tavern, on Second street, who, we understand was married on Sunday week was taken ill on Saturday morning about one o’clock, and died at seven o’clock.
11.    Mrs. M’Fadden, No 75 Grant street, died on Friday night.
12.    Mrs. Elizabeth M’Kinney, No. 15 St. Clair street, died on Saturday morning.
13.    Mr. George England, of the firm of England & Son, file manufacturers, Penn street, near Walnut, attacked on Thursday, died Saturday morning.
14.    An Irishman named Larking, living on Tunnel street died on Friday night.
15.    Conrad Rineman, residing at No. 53 Fifth street, died on Saturday afternoon at three o’clock.
16.    Mrs. Robert Hall, No. 106 Liberty street, died on Friday night.
17.    Mrs. Morris, Decatur street, took sick on Friday, and died on Saturday morning.
18.    William Scott, No. 37 Virgin alley, died on Saturday night.
19.    Mrs. Smith, in the Ninth Ward, opposite M’Cully’s Glass Works, died on Saturday evening.
20.    Mrs. Evans, Try street, Eighth Ward, was attacked on Saturday morning at six o’clock, and died before dinner.
21.    Mr. John Scott, board measurer in the Sixth Ward, living on Decatur street, was attacked on Saturday morning, and died at six o’clock same evening.
22.    Mrs. Ellen Hoyle, on Webster street, a few doors above Tunnel, died on Saturday morning.
This list does not include any who may have died on Sunday.  Our paper goes to press on Saturday nigh, and of course it would be impossible for us to furnish the deaths of yesterday.
    In addition to the names above, we have reports of several who were not expected to live on Saturday night, and are probably dead by this time.  Among these are,
Mr. John Crawford, plasterer. Franklin street, near Washington, who was attacked by the disease on Saturday afternoon, at the Second Ward School House, and was said to be very bad.
Mr. R. J. Haggerty, constable of the Sixth Ward, attacked at his residence, in the basement of the School House, on Saturday afternoon, not expected to recover.
Mr. Wright Barrass, brother-in-law of Prothonotery Campbell, was lying extremely ill on Saturday night, at a late hour.

September 20, 1854   Wednesday

The Cholera.
    From the evidence of physicians and our own observation, we believe we can safely announce an abatement of the pestilence from which we have been suffering for a week past.  The deaths yesterday fell considerably under the number of the day previous, and the cool and refreshing rain of last night gives some encouragement that a still further decrease will be shown to-day.  We heard of no new cases yesterday, resulting in death, and have every reason to believe that comparatively few persons were attacked.  The majority of the deaths so far reported seem to have been in the Third, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Wards.  By thus attacking the highest and lowest portions of our city at the same time, it has manifested an accentricity it never before indulged in here, and altogether unaccountable.  Monday can be considered the culminating point of the epidemic, as the deaths on that day will probably amount to eighty – a larger number than it is likely to reach again.
    Below we give a portion of the deaths on Monday, not before enumerated, together with those of yesterday, so far as could be ascertained.
1.    Mrs. C. L. Heller, a prisoner in the county jail from Indiana township, was sent to the Mercy Hospital, where she died on Monday.
2.    Mrs. Hartman, Marbury street.
3.    John Davis, Pipetown.
4.    Robert Smith, 103 Spring alley.
5.    Mrs. Hays, Hardscrabble.
6.    Mrs. Murphy, Carson street, Ninth Ward.
7.    Mrs. Adams, sent to the Hospital last week, from Hardscrabble, died on Monday.
8.    A child of John Jones, Pike street.
9.    Mrs. Osgood, a lady from Texas, at the Mansion Hotel, Liberty street.
10.    Richard Brankson, Spring alley.
11.    A German in Donnelly’s Court, Ninth Ward.
12.    Wentzel Slebinsker, Ninth Ward, Monday.
13.    Mrs. John Blair, Liberty street, Fifth Ward.

1.    Mrs. Robert Moore, sister of Wm. A. Hill, Esq., Smithfield street, near Liberty.
2.    Elizabeth J. Turner, Second street, near Liberty.
3.    Mr. —- Caldwell, a printer employed in the Commercial Journal office at Mr. Buffum’s Second street, near Ferry.
4.    Mr. F. Stark, Piano Tuner, Fifth street, between Wood and Market.
5.    Mrs. Story, Cherry alley.
6.    Mr. Weldin, Smithfield street, between Fifth and Virgin alley.
7.    A child of Mr. Wilkinson’s, Fourth street, near Ferry.
8.    Margaret Burns, 76 Prospect street.
9.    Henry Gutzman, south-east corner of Diamond.
10.    Edward Cassidy, Pipetown, at Gas Works.
11.    Adopted son of Margaret Davis, Mulberry alley.
12.    A child of Mr. Martin, Bayler’s court, near Wayne street.
13.    Joseph Cupples, Strawberry alley.
14.    A child of Mr. Johnston’s, Tobacconist, Fifth Ward.
15.    A German named Monge, Fifth Ward, opposite City Flour Mills.
16.    William Hays, an Irishman- leaves a wife and three children.
17.    Charles Strobel, Cherry alley, near Strawberry.
18.    A German woman, name unknown, in Patterson’s Row, Ross street.
19.    Mrs. Bumbaugh, No. 72 Pike street.
20.    William Hall, Pride street, Eighth Ward.
21.    Joseph Grass, Agnew’s row, Carson street.
22.    Son of Mr. Hugh Hamilton, bank of the river, Ninth Ward.
23.    A son of Mr. Hall, Pike street, Fifth Ward.
24.    Mrs. John Tieson, Quarry street.
25.    A child of Mr. Loew, hatter, Liberty street.
26.    A son of Peter Kluhe, Minersville.
27.    James M’Manamus, near upper basin, Seventh Ward.
28.    Father of David Boswell, Adams street, Fifth Ward.
29.    Mr. Snowden, Prospect street, Wife died on Monday.
30.    James Ewing, No. 62 Tunnel street.
31.    Mr. Husht, German, Washington street.
32.    Charlotte Riteman, Allegheny.
33.    Mrs. M’Laughlin, Prospect street.
34.    A man, whose name could not be ascertained, in a mall alley above the corner of Grant street and Mulberry alley.

September 21, 1854  Thursday

Cholera Interments in the Different Cemeteries, &c.
    We paid a visit yesterday afternoon, to all the principal Cemeteries and burying grounds on this side of the river, and obtained an accurate statement of the Cholera interments since the last weekly report of the Board of Health.  They are bad enough, God knows, but are nothing to the surmises of some in our midst, or the exaggerated reports that are sent abroad by frightened visitors.  To correct all rumors, we subjoin the following, which may be relied upon as a correct statement of all that have occurred for four days on this side of the river:
                    17th,   18th,   19th,   20th,   Total
Allegheny Cemetery            8    14    19    8    49
St. Mary’s (Catholic)            0    22    17    12    51
Methodist (7th Ward)            8    9    9    10    86
Potters Field, (Pa. av.)            0    9    10    4    23
Baptist, (Pa. avenue)            0    6    5    2    13
        Total for four days                    172
    Previously reported by Board of Health,            129
    Total up to 4 P.M. Wednesday                    301

    It will be observed by the above, that several of the cemeteries make no report for the 17th; these had reported to the Board of Health, and were included in its last weekly statement.
    It must also be borne in mind, that yesterday’s list only included the Allegheny and St. Mary’s up to 4 P. M. and the others up to 5 P. M.  There are several burying grounds in Allegheny City, from which we have no report, but the number of interments have been few.
    Since the cholera first made it appearance, there have been 85 interments from that cause in St. Mary’s Cemetery, on the 8th September, 1845, to date, there have been 4175 interments from all causes.
    In our local column an accurate list of the names of those who died yesterday will be found.

The Cholera.
    The weather, yesterday, was exceedingly cool; in the evening becoming so cold as to allow overcoats to be worn with considerable comfort.  This favorable change in the atmosphere, however, did not produce any perceptible diminution in the number of deaths, from the day previous, and the total will foot up abut the same as on Tuesday.  Physicians account for this by saying, that although the cold weather may prevent a further spread of the epidemic, the sudden change was very bad for such as were already sick, and probably hastened the end of a great many.  If the theory is correct – and we are inclined to believe it is – the truth of it will be tested to-day.


1.    Benjamin Jones, member of Allegheny Lodge, I.O.O.F., Prospect street.
2.    Mrs. Donahoe, Pennsylvania Avenue.
3.    Mrs. Rinemen, Troy Hill, Allegheny.
4.    J. M. White, tailor, Hancock street, near Penn.
5.    Mr. James M’Lain, Penn street, between Canal and O’Hara streets.
6.    Mrs. Gallagher, Wayne street, near Liberty.
7.    Mrs. Splane, wife of William Splane, late Collector at Aqueduct.
8.    Henry M. Smith, corner of Third and Grant streets.
9.    A child of Mr. George Wilson, tobacconist, Smithfield street, near Fourth.
10.    W. Strubbs, Washington street, near Pennsylvania Avenue
11.    John Higgins, Green street, near Seventh Ward School House.
12.    Mr. Dobinmeyer, Carson street, Ninth Ward.
13.    Mrs. Taylor, Carson street, Ninth Ward.
14.    A child of Mr. Henry Diamond, Penn street, Fifth Ward.
15.    A child of Mr. Kroft, Penn street, Ninth Ward.
16.    Mrs. Margaretta Hause, Fifth Ward.
17.    Joseph Beisman, corner Factory and Pike streets, Fifth Ward.
18.    Catharine Echner, Penn street, Fifth Ward.
19.    Capt. Hardin, Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
20.    Son of Frederick Graff, Pennsylvania Avenue.
21.    Mrs. Moody, Pike street, Fifth Ward.
22.    Mr. Rechtenwall, Liberty street, near City Flouring Mills.
23.    Mr. Burns, city watchman, Chestnut street, Eighth Ward.
24.    Jacob Zabaugh, East Lane, Allegheny.
25.    Thomas H. Barret, child, in a court entrance from Irwin street, Fourth Ward.
26.    Sarah M’Laughlin, Prospect street.
27.    A child of Mrs. Lowrie’s, near school-house, Eighth Ward.
28.    A child of Mr. Hanan’s, Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
29.    A child of Mrs. Riley’s, No. 11 High street, The father died on Saturday.
30.    Mr. Radenbaugh, at the Point, First Ward.
31.    A child named Gipson, colored, Wyile street.
32.    A small boy, colored, Arthurs street.
33.    Mrs. John Goss, Federal street, between Pennsylvania Avenue and Wylle street.
34.    A German, Adam Reel, No. 4 Washington street.
35.    William Welsh, fifteen years of age, Cherry alley.
36.    A female, name unknown, Arthurs street, buried by the Board of Health.
37.    Two children, three and four years of age, No. 505 Penn street.
38.    Patrick O’Conner, No. 20 Webster street.
39.    Mrs. Mongo, Liberty street, opposite City Flouring Mills, Fifth Ward.
40.    John Hartin, No. 435 Liberty street.
41.    Mrs. Margaret Bailey, corner of Garrison alley and Fayette street.
42.    Patrick Fahy, aged seventy-five, interred at St. Mary’s Cemetery.
43.    Rachael Ponzler, alley between Washington and Federal streets.
44.    Ann M’Manus, aged forty-five, interred at St. Mary’s Cemetery.
45.    Mrs. Betty Welsh, Quarry street.
46.    Mother-in-law of Mr. Franks, Third street, near Market.
47.    Peter Fink, child, Liberty street, above M’Cully’s Glass Works, Fifth Ward.
48.    Patrick Walls.
49.    Mr. Perry Chessman, St. Clair street, near the bridge.

September 23, 1854

After another terrible and devastating day, the most terrible since its visit, the epidemic has again abated somewhat, and leaves room to hope that we have gone through the worst.  But so mysteriously and singularly does this disease operate, that it will be a day or two, at least, before we can announce a permanent decline.
    On Thursday, (which was strictly and rigidly observed as a fast day,) the scourge broke out with a violence unparalleled – raging in all parts of the city – carrying off more than one hundred persons.  The day previous there was every prospect – the weather became cold and windy, continuing so during the whole of the subsequent day – and what caused it to rage so virulently is involved in as much mystery as its first appearance.
    Yesterday, the deaths fell off one one-half from the number on Thursday, and the amount of new cased decreased in a corresponding rate.
    Our citizens are still indefatigable in their exertions to relieve the sick – contributing their time and money with a liberality truly commendable.  The Ward Committees are very efficient organizations, and operate with great zeal.  A call has been issued to form an Association, similar to the Howard Association, of New Orleans, which rendered such effective aid during the ravages of the yellow fever in that city.
    We publish below a carefully compiled list of the deaths for the two days.  No one but a reporter can be aware of the great trouble and time required to collect all the deaths and if we are as unfortunate as several of our cotemporaries in killing off those who are still living, we beg them to withhold their resentment until the Board of Health consent to give daily reports, and thus assist us in our endeavors.

1.    Mrs. J. G. Mustin, Bluff street, Eighth Ward.
2.    Mrs. M’Gee, Penn street, Ninth Ward.
3.    Mrs. Norton, Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
4.    George Carrol, Engineer, Express Train, Pennsylvania Railroad, near outer depot, Ninth Ward.
5.    George Ingraham, Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield.
6.    William M’Elroy, Pike street, near Walnut, Fifth Ward.
7.    John Alexander, Leacock street, Allegheny.
8.    Mrs. Rebecca Mackey, milliner, M’Kelvy’s row, Penn street, Fifth Ward.
9.    Mrs. Moors, Decatur street, Sixth Ward.
10.    Miss Robertshaw, Fifth street, between Market and Wood.
11.    Mrs. Johnson, Factory street, between Pike and Etna, Fifth Ward.
12.    A German, in M’Kelvy’s row, Penn street, Fifth Ward.
13.    Alex Tees, Pike street, between Walnut and O’Hara.
14.    Joseph Bingham, clerk in Kennedy’s Variety store, corner of Wood and Fourth street, died at M’millan’s Boarding House, corner of Third and Grant streets.
15.    A child of Mr. Keover, corner Caldwell and Logan, Sixth Ward.
16.     A man named Montgomery and wife, corner Roberts and Duncan streets, Seventh Ward.
17.    Wife of Mr. Montgomery, above
18.    Nicholas Degan, M’Kelvy’s Row, Penn street, Fifth Ward.
19.    Margaret O’Connor, No. 25, Webster street, Third Ward.
20.    Mrs. Murray, Cherry alley, between Seventh street and Strawberry alley.
21.    Mrs. Margaret Rice, No. 508, Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
22.    James Brown, at Allegheny House, corner Irwin street, and Duquesne Way.
23.    John Bisler, No. 105 Penn street, Fifth Ward.
24.    Joseph M’Quaid, Barley Court, Wayne street, Fourth Ward.
25.    William Brown, Spring alley, near Walnut street, Fifth Ward.
26.    A German woman in Snyder’s court, near Carroll street.
27.    James Murray, confectioner, worked for Mr. Shepard on Liberty street, at his residence on Fulton street.
28.    Mrs. Klinefelter, wife of Michael Klinefelter, river pilot, corner Colwell and Fulton streets.
29.    Mrs. Herr, Marion street, Eighth Ward.
30.    Mrs. Weaver, wife of Wm. Weaver, city watchman, Penn street, Ninth Ward.
31.    Joshua Logan, Pitt street, Fourth Ward.
32.    A German child, Marbury street, below Penn, Fourth Ward.
33.    Edward Williamson, child, Penn street, near Marbury.
34.    Mrs. McIlvaine, Logan street, near Decatur, Sixth Ward.
35.    Wife of Mr. Richard Floyd, 173 Wylie street, Sixth Ward.
36.    Mrs. Lewis Ochner, corner of Chatham and Wylie streets.
37.    Michael Cannon, huckster, Diamond alley, between Smithfield and Wood street.
38.    Mrs. Kernahan, Chatham street, near Fountain.
39.    Mrs. Simpson, Third street, between Liberty and Ferry, First Ward.
40.    A girl at Miner’s Home, Grant street, between Second and Third, Second Ward.
41.    Mr. John Hall, (or Hail), hatter, No. 79 Penn street, Fourth Ward.
42.    A German in Hamilton’s court, Sixth Ward.
43.    Peter Glenn, corner High and Wylie streets.
44.    A man named Moore, High street.
45.    Mrs. Conrad, Bracknard’s hill, Seventh Ward.
46.    Mrs. Brown, Grant street, near Water.
47.    Mrs. Edwards, Fifth Ward.
48.    Mrs. Miller, Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
49.    Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Crawford street, Sixth Ward.
50.    Mr. E. Scott, Seventh Ward.
51.    Mrs. Holmes, at Mercy Hospital.
52.    Mrs. Halloway, Virgin alley, between Smithfield and Wood streets.
53.    Martha Dorsey, colored, at W. J. Morrison’s, Wylie street, near Washington.
54.    Mrs. Minor, colored, Poplar alley, Sixth Ward.
55.    Catharine Hideman, Water street, opposite Bakewell’s Glass Works.
56.    Jane N. Mahon, No. 185, Webster street.
57.    A German woman named Gumbard, 45 Pine street.
58.    A German in house of John Challen, Pennsylvania avenue.
59.    Arthur A. M. Maitland, No. 505 Penn street, Fifth Ward.
60.    Isaac Riddle, sent from jail to Mercy Hospital, on Wednesday.
61.    Mrs. Noble, Diamond alley, between Wood and Smithfield.
62.    A man at No. 58, Diamond Alley, between Wood and Smithfield.
63.    Rudolph Brache, Beck’s Lager Beer Hall, Diamond.
64.    Charles Boessing, Diamond alley, between the Diamond and Wood street.
65.    Dr. Mackert, Penn street, opposite market house, Fifth Ward.
66.    Wife of William Seibert, Penn street, Fifth Ward.
67.    A German child, on Seventh street, Fifth Ward.
68.    A German named Berks, Eighth Ward.
69.    Mrs. Davis, widow, No. 227 Second street.
70.    Mrs. Evans, Hardscrabble, mother died on Tuesday.
71.    Wife of John Kroft, beer house keeper, Penn street.
72.    Child of P. H. Hinds, butcher, Ninth Ward.
73.    Mrs. Kearns, No. 59 Penn street.
74.    Wife of Michael Koenon, glass-blower, Try street, Second Ward.
75.    P. L. Leese, piano maker, No. 49 Hand street.
76.    Son of Robert Morrow, Bluff street, Eighth Ward.
77.    Mary Roach, Hosyler’s court, near school-house, ? Ward.
78.    Charles Raising, near weigh-lock, Allegheny.
79.    Mary Ann Fox, mother-in-law of James Robb, shoemaker, 14 Hand street.
80.    Mr. Lesser, a fireman at City Mills, No. 38 Pike street.
81.    Lewis Zerkle, Hoevler’s court, near Eighth Ward.
82.    Peter Glenn, tavern, corner High and Webster streets.
83.    Wife of William Lampemire, cabinet market, Pennsylvania Avenue.
84.    Matthew Coward, brick maker, Boyd’s Hill, Eighth Ward.
85.    Wife of Samuel Lee, Saddler, removed from St. Clair to Mercy Hospital, where she died.
86.    Child of B. F. Shope, tailor, Ann street, Allegheny.
87.    A daughter of Charles Botzer, Federal street.
88.    Mrs. Beatty, Carpenter’s alley, near Clark street, Sixth Ward.
89.    Mr. Murphy, lately from California, Tunnel street.
90.    A German drayman, in the employ of J. H. Robinson, merchant.
91.    Mary Wagner, wife of Edward Wagner, turner, Tunnel street.
92.    Frederick Lusman, laborer, Washington street.
93.    John Martin, Penn street, Fifth Ward.
94.    A butcher named August, Chesnut street, Allegheny.
95.    Mr. Havily, 104 Spring Alley.
96.    Child of John Sprindle, near market house, Fifth Ward.
97.    Richard Woods, corner of Quarry and Walnut streets.
98.    Mrs. Askin, 15 Mitchell’s court, Fifth Ward.
99.    Mr. Warner, Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
100.    Mrs. Kalling, Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
101.    Mr. Doft, Factory street.
102.    A child of Mr. Neeson, Spring alley.
103.    A child of John O’Flaherty, Spring alley, Fifth Ward.
104.    An old man at Zehnerings, Penn street, near O’Hara
105.    A child of Mr. Schwartz, near Woods’ Brewery, Fifth Ward.
106.    Joseph Snefen, Pennsylvania Avenue.
107.    Catharine Kretzinger, Pennsylvania Avenue.
108.    A son of Mr. Gregan, Machanics street.
109.    C. A. Kelly, Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
110.    A child of Mr. Thomas Hoyland, printer, near Pride street, Eighth Ward.

1.    Mrs. David Eastern, Ross street.
2.    Henry Kemper, Minersville road, in the employ of Scott & Co.
3.    James Marion, riverman, Fulton street.
4.    Mr. Doke, weaver, corner of Poplar alley and Logan street.
5.    William Crawford, laborer, Hardscrabble.
6.    Andrew Moffit, High street.
7.    Son of Mr. Gang, Webster street.
8.    Mrs. Mary Briner, Riley’s Hotel.
9.    Daughter of Mrs. Hutchinson, Liberty street.
10.    Mr. Montooth, Hand street, Fourth Ward.
11.    Mrs. M’Gill, Pastavant’s Infirmary.
12.    Mrs. Cormick, Third Ward.
13.    Mrs. Baggs, (daughter of Watchman Weaver) Penn street, Ninth Ward.
14.    George Snockofen, Centre avenue.
15.    A child of Michael Richenberger, Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
16.    Raymond Berger, Marshall’s Row, Locust street.
17.    Henry Myer, Foster’s alley, Third Ward.
18.    Frederick Mast, cabinetmaker, Pennsylvania avenue, near Tunnel.
19.    A child of Mrs. Robinson, Decatur street, Sixth Ward.
20.    Mr. Strohafler, tailor, Overhill street, Seventh Ward.
21.    Mr. James Morrison, Linton street, Seventh Ward.
22.    Joseph Evans, Miller street, Seventh Ward.
23.    James Mason, Logan street, Eighth Ward.
24.    Mrs. Benjamin Colder, Grant street, near Sixth, Third Ward.
25.    A girl named Kennedy, on Pennsylvania Avenue, near Federal street.
26.    Miss Catharine Ferguson, Penn street, Ninth Ward.
27.    Mrs. Rogers, Dobbs’ Row, between Smallman street and Mulberry alley, Ninth Ward.
28.    A child of Mr. Parker Hines, Spring alley, Ninth Ward.
29.    Henry B. Holmes, son of Mr. Holmes, principal Sixth Ward school.
30.    [no data]
31.    Mr. Henry Chignell, a member of the Common Council, corner of Webster and Chatham streets.
32.    Joseph Breidle, 418 Penn street.
33.    Miss A. Rathgan, 531 Penn street.
34.    J. Hanline, Penn street, Fifth Ward.
35.    Catharine Waller’s child, 505 Penn street.
36.    Mary Hopkins, colored, 108 Webster street.
37.    Christina Pfeifer, Passavant’s Infirmary.
38.    A Frenchwoman named Philomena Millbugh, No. 21 Vine street.
39.    Ann M’Bane, 73 Webster street.
40.    William Nolan, High street, between Wylis and Pennsylvania avenue.
41.    Harrison Graham, late D. D.G.M. of the I.O.O.F. for this district, 36 St. Clair street.
42.    Son of Mr. James Lowrie, Coroner, Congress street.
43.    Mary Owens, Hand street.
44.    Mrs. Haines,  Wylie street.
45.    Mrs. Hines, 331 Spring alley.
46.    Mrs. Evans, near Lacy’s church, Seventh Ward.
47.    Mrs. Gildes, High street, between Wiley and Webster.
48.    Mrs. M’Elroy, Pike street, Fifth Ward.
49.    A boiler manufacturer, High street, between Wyhlie and Webster.

September 26, 1854

      1.  William Mercer, Common Councilman from Sixth Ward, Congress street.
Father-in-law of Mr. George Schneck, Third street, between Wood and Market.
      2.  Jno. Smith, stone-cutter, Congress street, Sixth Ward.
      3.  John Spencer, tailor, Sixth street, near Smithfield.
      4.  —-Leeky, carpenter, Eighth Ward.
5.  Benjamin Armstrong, Union alley, near Wylie, between Catharine and Federal streets, Sixth Ward.
6.  George Burral, Sixth street, near Trinity Church.
7.  Mrs. Young, corner of Bedford and Crawford streets.
8.    Miss Ann Miller, Passavant’s Infirmary.
9.    Mrs. Wire, Overhill street, Eighth Ward.
10.    Mrs. Doyle, Bakewell’s court, Water street, between ? and Grant.
11.    Mrs. Shannon, Third street, between Ferry and Liberty.
12.    Charles Glenn, Mercy Hospital.
13.    Ellen Rose, Prospect street, above Washington, Sixth Ward.
14.    Catharine Hunter, Passavant’s Infirmary.
15.    Mrs. Elizabeth Beck, Passavant’s Infirmary.
16.    Gasper Stiles, Liberty street, Ninth Ward.
17.    Henry A. Sperger, Infirmary.
18.    Henry Ochis, Infirmary.
19.    James Simpson, Infirmary.
20.    John Adrian, Infirmary.
21.    A child of Mr. Michael Rechtawalt, Adams street, Liberty, Fifth Ward.
22.    Alonzo, son of Mr. Smith, tinner, Third street, between Wood and Smithfield.
23.    Eliza Eisels, servant girl at Nardi’s restaurant, Fourth street, between Wood and Market.
24.    Mrs. Catharine Edy, Liberty street, Ninth Ward.
25.    —– Conway, teaser, at O’Hara’s Glass Works, Ninth Ward.
26.    Mrs. Morrow, bank of the river, Ninth Ward.
27.    Basilius Hoeveler, No. 68 Wylie street.
28.    Margaret Angel, Pine street, Fifth Ward.
29.    Child of Thomas Crail, Bedford street, Sixth Ward.
30.    Elizabeth Ritter, No. 614 Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
31.    Mr. Row, Water street, near Wood.
32.    A child of Mr. Wilson’s, clothier, Allegheny.
33.    Mr. Beck, keeper beer house, Diamond.
34.    James Cummins, Hay street, Fourth Ward.
35.    Mrs. Coyle, Second Ward.
36.    Mrs. Dr. Ford, No. 3, Pennsylvania Avenue.
37.    Mrs. Mary H. Rohbeck, wife of Professor Rohbeck, Second Ward.
38.    Jacob Roach, Water street, near Wood.
39.    A child of Mr. Schwartz, Market street, near Third.
40.    Mr. Bell, Cherry alley, Second Ward.
41.    Mrs. Burk, wife of Mr. Wm. Burk, in the employ of —-man & Garrison, Third Ward.
42.    Mrs. Elizabeth Popp, Foster’s alley, near Sixth street.
43.    Child of Hugh Keenan, drayman, Church alley, Third Ward.
44.    Dr. R. Hoslett, Penn street, near canal, Fifth Ward.
45.    Mrs. E. M’Cutcheon, Fifth Ward.
46.    Samuel Middleton, child, Mulberry alley.
47.    Child of W. J. Trusty, Carpenter’s alley, Sixth Ward.
48.    Mrs. Rebecca Shope, Ann street, Allegheny.
49.    Wife of James McDonald, watchmaker, Callowhill street, Sixth Ward.
50.    Thomas Collingwood, No. 27 Wylie street.
51.    L. V. Caron, teacher of languages, Centre Avenue.

Death on Monday.
1.    Amelia Grant, colored, opposite outer depot of Pennsylvania Railroad, Ninth Ward.
2.    Mr. Richard Barlow, tailor, Red Lion Hotel, St. Clair street.
3.    Mrs. Lindsay, Mulberry alley, near Allegheny street.
4.    John Reidle, machinist, First street, near Liberty.
5.    Albert G. Bell, Fourth street, above Smithfield.
6.    Mrs. Lewis, Hardscrabble, Eighth Ward.
7.    Wife of John C. Parry, Iron Founder, at Mercy Hospital.
8.    The foreman of Haigh, Hartupee & Co’s, machine shop.
9.    A German woman at no. 400 Penn street, Fifth Ward.
10.    A child of Mr. R. B. Ewings, book binder, Gibbon street, Eighth Ward.
11.    Miss Graff, Third street, between Wood and Smithfiled.
12.    Margaret Gauss, child, No. 492 Penn street.
13.    Child of David Hutchinson, Gibbon street, Eighth Ward.
14.    A Child of Louis Rolls, Clark street, Seventh Ward.
15.    A Child of Robert Alexander, First Ward.
16.    Miss Finney, from Latrobe.
17.    A Child of Hugh Keny, No.? Wylie street.

Interments in the City of Pittsburgh, from September 16th to September 23d, 1854 from Cholera 279 Adults and 66 children.

September 28, 1854    newspaper issue

Those who died yesterday September 27, 1854
Miss Harriet Wickham, No. 20 Third street, between Ferry and Liberty.
Wm. Little, Van Breaur street, Eighth Ward.
Mrs. Ann Johnston, No. 4-4 Liberty street, Fifth Ward.
A son of Mr. Sylvester Tyler, Lecock street, Allegheny.
Mrs. Duncan, colored, Eighth Ward.
Mrs. Boone, Allegheny street, Ninth Ward.
Mrs. David Nugent, Fifth Ward.
Mrs. Vantassel, Pennavant’s Infirmary.
Adam Wolf, Liberty street, near Factory, Fifth Ward.
Child of Mr. Robison, No. 93 Pike street, Fifth Ward.
Mrs. Bailey, Fifth street, near Wylie.
John Lawton, No. 69 Prospect street.
George Strehofer’s child, Minersville.
Mrs. Dr. Ward, Penn street, near Mechanics, Fifth Ward.

September 30, 1854

Five Deaths from Cholera, those who died September 29, 1854
Mary Hutchinson, wife of John Hutchinson, drayman, Ferry alley, near Plumb, Third Ward.
Mrs. Burker, Third street, near Ferry.  The family in which this lady died, appear to have suffered more than any other in the city – the disease having carried off four members – the husband, wife, child and mother-in-law.
Mrs. Barry, Webster street, between High and Tunnel.
Mrs. Tieburg, corner of Vine alley and Walnut street.

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