South Bend History
Written by Robert Walker Smith
Published in 1883

An Account of an Early Political Delegate Meeting

      The following is from the Western Eagle of September 20, 1810:

      At a meeting of the delegates appointed by the democratic-republicans of Armstrong and Indiana Counties, for the purpose of consulting and recommending a proper person to represent this district in the legislature of this state, and when met agreeably to appointment at the house of Samuel Sloan (on the John Sloan tract next below the John Ladd Howell tract), near Crooked Creek, on Thursday, 9th day of August last, JOHN BRANDON, Esq., of Armstrong county, was chosen chairman, and ALEXANDER TAYLER, Esq., of Indiana County, secretary, eleven delegates from the two counties being present.

      The following resolutions were adopted by the meeting:

      "1st. Resolved, with the exception of one dissenting voice, That James Sloan, Esquire, of Armstrong county, be and is hereby recommended to our fellow-citizens to represent the counties of Armstrong, Indiana and Jefferson in the legislature of this commonwealth.

      "2nd. Resolved, That a committee of three members be appointed to prepare and send forward copies of these resolutions to the editors of The Commonwealth in Pittsburgh and of the Farmer's Register in Greensburgh for publication, and that Jonathan King, John Davidson and John Brandon, Esquires, compose the aforesaid committee.

      "3rd. Resolved, That when the tickets are printed for the ensuing election, 1,000 shall be delivered to John Brandon, of Kittanning, and 1,000 to Alexander Tayler, of Indiana, who are hereby requested to have the same distributed in their respective counties previous to the election.

      "4th. Resolved, That the above resolutions be signed by the chairman and attested by the secretary, and that the original copy thereof be lodged with John Brandon, in the town of Kittanning.
      "JOHN BRANDON, Chairman.
      "Attest: "ALEXANDER TAYLER, Secretary."

      That nominee was not elected that year: James McComb was.

      Source: Page(s) 394-399, History of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania by Robert Walker Smith, Esq., Chicago: Waterman, Watkins & Co., 1883. Transcribed June 2000 by James R. Hindman for the Armstrong County Smith Project. Published 2000 by the Armstrong County Pennsylvania Genealogy Project.