'Tis a New Season, a Season of Hope
Written by Pastor Herman Ridley

              Again we celebrate a festive day.
              The gloom and darkness of Good Friday is gone away.
              Christ has risen from the dead.
              Now the disciples remember what he said.
              Upon the center cross with head bowed low,
              Our Savior suffered shame and woe.

              He faced alone the whole world's scorns! Mocked, reviled, and crowned with thorns. He held no malice toward the crowd. Though they jeered and shouted long and loud. "Father, forgive them," was his prayer.

              He wished them no ill, though they didn't care. Now we're the ones who must decide. Shall we believe or cast aside? Shall we receive the Christ who died, Or shall we neglect the crucified?

              He's risen as he said; yes, He's risen from the dead. Celebrate, go forth with joy and have no dread. Find peace that nothing can destroy. Spend your life in Christ's employ.