3d Regiment U. S. Colored Troop

Company I



Date of Muster into Service

Charles F. Smith Captain August 13, 1863 Discharged by Special Order, April 26, 1865
Saml S. Marseilles Captain July 18, 1863 Promoted from Adjutant, June 5, 1865; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Robert R. Martin 1st Lt. July 18, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Fred'k W. Scroeder 2d Lt. August 3, 1863 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, November 25, 1863
Jacob E. Barr 2d Lt. February 10, 1864 Discharged by Special Order, October 4, 1864
Edward B. Fernow 2d Lt. December 31, 1864 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Stephen E. Chew 1st Sergeant July 21, 1863 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, October 25, 1863; to 1st Sergeant, August 10, 1864; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
John H. Backus Sergeant July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Littleton D. Handy Sergeant July 21, 1863 Promoted from Corporal, October 2, 1863; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
John H. Poulson Sergeant July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
John T. Kinnard Sergeant July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, October 12, 1863; to Sergeant, September 15, 1864; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
James E. Jones Corporal July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, August 3, 1863; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
John Bradford Corporal July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, April 29, 1864; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Edm'd H. Anderson Corporal July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, September 16, 1864; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Jacob B. Johnson Corporal July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, August10, 1864; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Jacob Thorn Corporal July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, September 16, 1864; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Charles Burton Corporal July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, October 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Samuel Harris Corporal July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, October 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
John H. Coursey Corporal July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, May 9, 1865; discharged, date unknown
John Bouller Corporal July 22, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, October 25, 1863; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, December 28, 1863
Samuel M. Chew Corporal July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, November 7, 1863; died at Baldwin, Florida, August 8, 1864
Jeremiah Milburn Corporal July 22, 1863 Died at St. Augustine, Florida, August 18, 1864
Isaac Wilson Corporal July 21, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, January 23, 1864; died at Jacksonville, Florida, September 14, 1864
Joseph Watkins Corporal July 22, 1863 Died at Jacksonville, Florida, September 7, 1865
Joshua D. Bond Corporal July 21, 1863 Deserted August 8, 1863
Abel Drummond Musician July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Anderson, Caleb Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Adams, John Q, Private July 21, 1863 Absent, in arrest, at muster out
Anderson, Joseph Private July 20, 1863 Promoted to Principal Musician, September 26, 1865
Barber, Joseph A. Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Brown, Henry Private December 6, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Byron, Isaac Private do.. July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Bruff, Currington W. Private July 21, 1863 Died at Beaufort, S. C., March 21, 1865
Craig, Alexander Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Craig, Marsenus Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Craig, Erwin Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Carney, Peter A. Private July 22, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Cooper, William Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Cosley, John Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Chandler, David Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Cox, John Private September 27, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Cook, Reuben Private July 21, 1863 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, December 5, 1864
Carter, William Private January 11, 1865 Substitute; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, August 2, 1865
Carter, George Private July 23, 1863 Died at Morris Island, S. C., September 18, 1863
Disberry, John Private January 19, 1865 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Dowery, Mark H. Private July 20, 1863 Died at Jacksonville, Fla., December 16, 1864
Fry, David Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Frisberry, William Private July 21, 1863 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, July 11, 1865
Frisster, Thomas Private July 22, 1863 Died July 15, 1864
Gould, Robert Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Gibben, Francis Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Green, Joseph Private July 21, 1863 Absent, in arrest, at muster out
Harris, William B. Private January 14, 1865 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Hardway, James Private January 19, 1865 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Hones, James Private December 7, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Harman, James H. Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Higgins, Wm. I Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Harrison; George Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Herth, William Private December 21, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Howard, Thomas Private July 20, 1863 Absent, in arrest, at muster out
Halcus, James A. Private August 29, 1864 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, June 21, 1865
Henry, Golden Private July 21, 1863 Died at Jacksonville, Fla., October 26, 1864
Jackson, Enos Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Jones, Ezekiel C. Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Johnson, Charles Private January 24, 1865 Substitute; mustered out with conmpany, October 31, 1865
Jennings, William Private October 6, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Ladson, Thomas Private September 30, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Leaks, Solomon Private September 23, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Lee, Jacob Private September 14, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Lynn, George Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Lamb, Solomon Private .July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
London, Caesar Private April 4, 1864 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Lamb, Cain D. Private July 21, 1863 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 6, 1864
Lee, John Private July 22, 1863 Died at Jacksonville, Fla., June 1, 1864
Mallery, Abner Private July 20, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Morrison, William Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Miller, John W. Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Miller, Henry Private January 20, 1865 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Miller, Christopher Private January 24, 1865 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Minus, John Private December 19, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Manly, Alexander Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Miller, John Private December 29, 1864 Substitute; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, October il1, 1865
Mingo, Joseph Private September 26, 1864 Substitute; died at Jacksonville, Fla., December 6, 1864
Nuby, James Private July 21, 1863 Discharged, date unknown
Pendegrass, Benj. Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Pierce, Charles H. Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out'with Company, October 31, 1865
Pierce, Leonard Private July 21, 1863 Deserted July 29, 1863
Rowe, Daniel G. Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Rice, Joseph H. Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Roberts, Archibald Private July 21, 1863 Absent, in arrest, at muster out
Richardson, Wm. Private July 22, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Ramsey, George Private July 23, 1863 Discharged, date unknown
Roberts, Henry B. Private July 21, 1863 Promoted to Quarter Master Sergeant, July 24, 1863
Sweeney, Stephen Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Sawyer, Perry Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Sanders, Elias Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Sewell, John Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Singleton, Holman Private October 19, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Smith, John Private January 24, 1865 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Smith, Thomas Private January 5, 1865 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Smith, Edward Private January 21, 1865 Substitute; discharged, date unknown
Shorter, Daniel Private July 22, 1863 Killed October 21, 1864
Thomas, James Private January 12, 1865 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Thomas, John Private October 17, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Thomas, Joseph Private November 29, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Thompson, Clement Private July 20, 1864 Died at Morris Island, S. C., October 9, 1863
Villers, Fisher A. Private July 21, 1864 Died at Morris Island, S. C., September 9, 1863
Wellington, Robert Private July 28, 1864 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Wilson, Charles Private December 23, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Walker, Joseph R. Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Watson, Wilson Private July 21, 1863 Mustered out with Company, October 31, 1865
Wilson, Peter Private July 21, 1863 Discharged, date unknown
Wilson, John M. Private July 21, 1863 Discharged, date unknown
Wilmore, Charles Private December 30, 1864 Substitute; discharged, date unknown
Woods, Alfred Private July 21, 1863 Died at Beautort, S. C., March 14, 1864
York, George Private July 20, 1863 Discharged, date unknown

Source:  Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.






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