Serious Shooting Affray

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What may prove to be a fatal affair occurred in Eldred Township, some four or five miles north of Brookville, about 8 o�clock on Monday morning of this week. A year or more ago, Agustus [sic] BETHUYNE leased a small piece of ground from Jeremiah GREELY, on which he erected a shingle mill and small dwelling. His lease was to expire July1, 1885. There seems to have been a misunderstanding, or a want of understanding as to the removal of the buildings. BETHUYNE had removed the shingle mill, and was preparing to remove the dwelling. On Saturday GREELY notified BETHUYNE not to remove the dwelling, as it belonged to him. BETHUYNE paid no attention to this notice, but went on with his preparation for its removal. On Monday morning, while BETHUYNE was taking his goods out of the house, GREELY, who lived just near by, came to the building, and about the same time his two sons, aged about 18 and 20 years, his brother and two or three other men came also. Mr. GREELY, assisted by his brother and one or two others, put away a pair of sleds that were standing out. Some of the men went to rolling some logs that were lying between the house and the mill. While they were doing this, GREELY went into the house, and went up stairs where BETHUYNE was engaged. While the parties were at work in rolling the logs, they heard a noise up stairs in the house, as of some one passing hurriedly over the floor, and in a few moments saw GREELY coming out of the house, and heard him say BETHUYNE had thrown a hatchet at him, or had hit him with a hatchet. GREELY�s brother then ran to where he was standing on the porch in front of the door, and as he got on the porch he saw BETHUYNE staring down the stairs toward them. They stood there a moment, when BETHUYNE presented a revolver at Jeremiah GREELY and fired, the bullet entering his face just below the right eye , and passing through the mouth and down the muscles of the throat, lodged somewhere in the lower part of the neck. Several other men were near the porch when GREELY was shot, but did not see the shooting. The wounded man was carried at once to his home, and medical aid procured. This was the story as told by Mr. GREELY�s brother at the examination on Tuesday afternoon.

Accounts from other parties differ somewhat from this. The statement of the wounded man was taken, but we had no access to it. A man who was present informed us that when Mr. GREELY was up stairs, BETHUYNE�s wife came out and called to a man who was working for them to come in. What transpired up stairs is known only to BETHUYNE and his wife and GREELY. BETHUYNE claims hew was acting in self defence and was only protecting himself and his property. We have no opinion to express as to the guilt of BETHUYNE. That must be determined by the law. After the shooting he made no attempt to escape, and gave himself up readily to an officer of the law.

A warrant for his arrest was issued by Justice WALKER, of Brookville, and he was arrested and brought to town by Deputy Sherrif, C.J. WILSON. He was taken before �Squire WALKER at once, and in default of $1,500 bail was committeed [sic] to prison, and his hearing was fixed for 2 P.M. of Tuesday.

At the hearing on Tuesday bail was refused by Justice WALKER and BETHUYNE was committed to jail to await the result of the injury received by GREELY.

At the hearing, Dr. W.F. MATSON testified that he could not tell what the result of the wound would be, but Mr. GREELY was in a very critical condition. The wound was examined by both Dr. MATSON and Dr. BALMER.

At the hearing, Chas. CORBET and Ed. CARMALT, Esqs., appeared for BETHUYNE and C.Z. GORDON and J.C. WHITEHILL, Esqs., represented the Commonwealth. Judge JENKS is also engaged for the defence.

As we go to press on Wednesday afternoon, Dr. Matson informs us that the chances are greatly against GREELY�s recovery.

NB: Jeremiah GREELY did recover. He died in Eldred in 1909. August BETHUYNE spent three years in prison, after which he was pardoned by the Governor. GREELY supported the pardon petition.

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