List of Contributors

 Transcribed by Debbie Ciak

Ballou, Mrs. Herbert (of Providence, R.I.)
Bell, Mrs. Singleton
Bender, Mrs. H.R.
Betts, Mrs. Fred G
Betts Mrs. W. I.
Bigler, Mrs. A. W.
Bigler, Mrs. Edmund A.
Bigler, Mrs. G. R.
Bigler, Virginia W.
Bigler, Mrs. William
Border, Mrs. S.V.
Boynton, Mrs. A.F.
Bridge, Mrs. H.P.
Brown, Ezra
Canavan, Mrs. B.A.
Cardon, Mrs. George
Cardon, Mrs. W.C.
Chalfant, Mrs. E.C. (Pittsburgh)
Connelly, Augusta
Cooper, Mrs.
Cooper, Mrs. B.F.
Delinger, Mrs. M.H.
Denlinger, Mrs. W.H.
Denning, Miss Lois
Dill, Alice H.
Dimeling, Dorothy
Dimeling, Mrs. George
Dimeling, Mrs. John
Dole, Mrs. J. Lawrence
Dorr, Mrs.
Doty, Mrs. Bell Campbell
Douglas, Mrs. H.B.
Duffton, Mrs. W. J.
Eyster, Elizabeth Reed
Flegal, Miss Mertie
Fulford, Mrs. H.B.
Gearhart, Mrs. J.E.
Gearhart, Mrs. John ( R. )
Gingery, Mrs. Don
Gleason, Mrs. Jas
Godcharles, Mrs. E.B.
Good, Clare H.
Gordon, Mrs. James
Graves, Mrs. M. (Dubois)
Graves, Mrs. William
Gulich, Mrs. Ralph
Hagerty, Mrs.
Harder, Mrs.
Harder, Mrs. Emmott
Harder, Mrs. J. Emmott
Hartswick, Mrs. Howard
Heichold, Frances F.
Heighberger, Mrs. Kate Bridge
Helmbold, Mrs. W.C.
Horton, Mrs. James K.
Howard, Mrs. C. W.
Howard, Mrs. W. C.
Irwin, Mrs. George
Irwin, Mrs. J. Lewis
Jenkins, Mrs ( given by Mrs. A. E. Leitzinger )
Jimeson, Mrs. E. E.
Johnson, Edna
Johnson, Mrs. George W.
Jose, Mrs. G. V.
Kelley, Mrs. William P.
Kelly, Mrs. E. T.
Kelly, Mrs. James or J. H.
Kennard, Annie W.
Kerr, Mrs. Fred B.
Krebs, Mrs. David L. Jr.
Krebs, Mrs. Wallace
Kurtz, Mrs. Charles
Leavy, Mary
Leavy, Sarah
Leitzinger, Mrs. A. E.
Leonardson, Mrs. A. W.
Liveright, Mrs. A. M.
Livingston, Mrs. Fred B.
Losch, Mrs. Anna
Lytle, Mrs. Reilly
McCullough, Mrs. Boyd
McCullough, Mrs. C. L. (Tyrone)
McGaughey, Mrs. Carrie
McLarren, Mrs. S. W.
McMurray, Mrs. J. R.
Miller, Mrs. K. A. (Surveyor)
Miller, Mrs. Raymond
Miller, Mrs. W. C.
Mitchell, Mrs. Oscar
Moore, Mrs. A. L.
Morgan, Mrs. Alice
Murray, Mrs. Hazard A.
Nevling, Bertha S.
Nevling, Mrs. Boynton
Nevling, Mrs. J. B.
Nevling, Mrs. R. F.
Nevling, Mrs. Reuben
Norris, Mrs. T. J.
O’Laughlin, Mrs. James P.
Owens, Miss Mame
Parry, Mrs. C. C.
Patterson, Mrs. W. H.
Patton, Mrs. A. E.
Peck, Mrs. W. A.
Piper, Mrs. William Scott
Powell, Mrs. A.R.
Powell, Carrie C.
Powell, Mrs. H. B.
Powell, Isabel
Powell, Maud
Powell, Mrs. W. F.
Rauch, Mrs. Ralph (Surveyor)
Reed, Bell
Reed, Mrs. Frank B.
Reed, Mrs. Fred
Reed, Mrs. G. B.
Reed, Mrs. George
Reed, Mrs. Philip
Reeves (or Reeve), Mrs. E. C.
Rey, Mrs. A. D.
Roessner, Mrs. Frank W.
Ross, Mrs.
Ross, Mrs. Grant
Row, Ellen
Row, Mrs. Frank
Row, Mrs. Arthur S. ( or S. Arthur)
Rowles, Mrs. J. Frank
Rowles, Mrs. T. Frank
Scott, Mrs. A. M. (Braddock Pa.)
Shaw, Mrs. R. C.
Shillingford, Mrs. G. W.
Smith, Mrs. Allison O.
Smith, Mrs. Hurxthal W.
Speck, Mrs. D. W.
Stewart, Mrs. Howard
Swoope, Miss Mary
Swoope, Mrs. R. D.
TenEyck, Isabel
Thorn, Mrs. Lizzie
Tonner, Mrs. P. S.
Wallace, Mrs. Will (or W. E.)
Weaver, Mrs. Fred
Weaver, Mrs. J. F.
Weaver, Mrs. P. F.
Weaver, Mrs. Paul
Whitman, Mrs. H. S.
Wright, Mrs. A. M.
Wright, Mrs. R. C.
Wrigley, Mrs. John
Yellrts, Florence
Youngman, Mrs. R. H.



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