Clearfield Cook Book


Aughinbaugh's Drug Store 

A. G. Bartholomew
French Dry Cleaning and Pressing 

First Class Fancy Groceries
"Good recipes will be of little use unless you have ‘First Class’ material to work with" 

C. R. Bloom Druggist
"The Rexall Store" 

California Fruit Store
"Green Goods from the finest Green Houses in the United States"

Clearfield Brick Mfg. Co. 

Clearfield Dairy Company
Properly Pasteurized Milk and Cream
"Milk: The Only Complete Food all authorities agree" 

Clearfield Velours 

Clearfield Hardware Co.
"Cooking Utensils in Aluminum, Pyrex, Enameled Ware, Iron, Fry’s Oven Glass, Steel and Tin.  Preserving supplies of all kind"

Clearfield Machine Shops
Warehouse Department 

Clearfield Progress
"News When It’s News – Not History"
For the whole family to read 

Clearfield Talking Machine Shop
"Everything Musical"
Pianos, Player-Pianos, Brunswicks, Victrolas, Musical Merchandise, Easy Payments 

The Clearfield Trust Company

Commercial Printing Co.
Printing and Engraving Stationary and Office Supplies 

Daisy Thorn Johnson Hat Shop
Specializing in Gage, Knox, Wohrene, Mary Francis, Blue Bird
Patterns and Popular Priced Millinery 

The Dimeling
Clearfield’s Representative Hotel 

Electric Supply Company
Everything Electrical
Clearfield, Philipsburg, Bellefonte, State College, Lock Haven and Lewiston, Pa. 

Empire Coal Mining Co.
Miners and Suppliers of Bituminous Coal, all grades 

Flaky Pastry Flour
Mitchell Milling Co. 

Grampian Coal Mining Co.
Miners and Shippers of Moshannon and Miller Vein Coals

Helmbold & Stewart
Insurance of all kinds 

Howe’s Jewelry Store
Silversmith & Optometrist 

Irwin Drug Co.
Essences and Flavoring Extracts 

Eat at Jordans 

Keystone Ice Cream Co.
"We aim to give service and quality.   This being our motto, can we not serve you when in need of anything in Ice Cream, Sherbets, or Ices?  It’s all carbonated." 

Knepp’s Furniture Store
"Sellers Mastercraft" 

Kurtz Stationery Store
"The Quality Shop"
Booksellers, Stationers and Newsdealers, Engravers and Printers.   Wholesale and Retail 

Ladies Bazaar
"Correct Dress for Women, Misses and Children’s Garments"

Leitzinger Bros. Department Store 

A. W. Leonardson Co.
"Where Smart Styles, Highgrade Quality and Moderate Prices are Fast Friends" 

Lytle Bros.
"Sellers of Find Footwear" 

L. C. Mattern
"China, Glassware, Tinware, Woodenware, Willowware, Enamelware, Household Hardware, Aluminum, Paints, A. B. C. Electric Washers, Hamilton Beach sweepers" 

"Always have the best of Ice Cream and can fill orders on demand" 

A. Mirkin
"Ladies and Gents Outfitters" 

Moore & Wilson
General Insurance 

Penn Public Service Corporation
"If you Cook with Gas, you can get the best results because you have complete control of the heat supply at all times, then too it is so much less work for the housewife" 

Peoples Meat Market
A. G. Bishop, Proprietor
"Fresh and Smoked Meats" 

Pleasant Valley Orchards
"Grocers of Fine Apples:  Jonathan, Grimes Golden, Baldwin, York Imperial, Northern Spy"
"Try this recipe: 

Imperial Salad 

Take medium sized Pleasant Valley York Imperial Apples, pare and core.   Make a syrup of 3 cups of sugar and 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of vegetable coloring, preferably red.  Place the Apples in the boiling syrup and cook until tender and colored a delicate pink.  Be careful that the apples do not fall apart, which they will do if cooked too long.  When cool place each apple on leaf of lettuce, fill center with chopped nuts and celery with mayonnaise. 

William F. Powell
Heavy and Shelf Hardware 

"The Home of Kuppenheimer Good Clothes for Men and Young Men. Our Ladies’ Coats, Suits and Furnishings cannot be beat in price and style anywhere. Shoes for the entire family." 

Eat Romance Chocolates
"Truthfully Pure" 

Ross & Woods
"You can’t do nice cooking unless the ingredients are of the very best" 

Louis Shapiro & Son
"Men who care about their appearance come here to see the Utmost in Style as well as the more conservative styles in Men’s Wear.  Complete line of Sampeck Clothing for Boys" 

R. C. Shaw Grocery & Meat Market
"Fancy Canned Goods, Provisions, and Fresh Meats" 

The Shull Studio
"Where Your Heart is, There Your Photograph Should Be" 

J. C. Snyder
Jeweler and Optometrist 

D. W. Speck - Wall Paper 

Thorn Brothers
Fruits and Produce Market Store 

Workmans Cash Grocery Company
"First Class Goods at Reasonable Prices"

This page was last updated on Monday, May 15, 2006

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