1785 Turkey Foot Township
Tax List

Wm Nicholson, 200 acres

Andrew Friend, 150 acres

Charles Friend, 150 acres

Jacob Hartzell, 50 acres

Patrick McNight

Henry Brown, 200 acres

Jacob Kilpatrick, 200 acres

James Conner, 400 acres

Aaron Rice  - -

Henry Laughlin, 30 acres

Richard Pinkerton, 100 acres

James McMullin 50 acres

Amos Gonston (?) 100 acres

Frederick Achor

Wm Greathouse, 400 acres

Joseph Gobel

Wade Hoofbaugh (?) 25 acres

Elhu Jones, 100 acres

William Greathouse, 400 acres

Nathan Cooper, 100 acres

Benjamin Jinninger, 250 acres

JohnathanLoofbaugh (?)

John Hyatt, 50 acres

Robert Colburn, 50 acres

James Moon, 30 acres

Oliver Drake, 300 acres

Thomas Abrams, 300 acres

John Mill - - -, 150 acres

Jeremiah Reed

Benjamin Pennell, 460 acres

Moses McCallum (?) 50 acres

GenettMath  - - -, 30 acres

Samuel Skinner, 20 acres

Nathaniel Skinner, 200 acres

John Skinner, 266 acres

Josiah Shawn (?) 50 acres

Richard Green, 300 acres

Henry Hartsel, 200 acres

James Porter, 50 acres

Isaac Devine, 30 acres

CoonrodSibaugh, 200 acres

Edward Hasnet, 660 acres

John Pick - -

David Work, 50 acres

Alexander McClintock, 200 acres

John Stephens

William Ogg, 200 acres

Francis Stump, 100 acres

Andrew Devoe, 100 acres

Samuel Smith - -

Henry Ridgley, 125 acres

Jacob Rople, 250 acres

John Jones, 250 acres

James Hall, 200 acres

George Turney, 200 acres

CoonrodWeeble, 200 acres

Michael Keever, 50 acres

David Storm, 150 acres

Martin Keever, 200 acres

George Ketterman, 300 acres

Peter Hlemick, 150 acres

Peter Everly, 250 acres

Godfrey Bawermader

John Everly, jr, 0 0

Adam Myers - -

John Muck, 25 acres

Frederick VanTrees Jr. 100 acres

Richard Halb, 210 acres

Philip Smith, 60 acres

Henry Smith, 40 acres

Leonard Enoch, 30 acres

Edward Camp, 300 acres

Hartman Vantreece, 70 acres

John Allington, 100 acres

Jacob Allington

Widow Royce, 300 acres

Jobe Clark

George Myers, 150 acres

Peter Wilkins, 25 acres

James Mitchell Sr., 100 acres

James Mitchell, Jr., 20 acres

Thomas Mitchell

John Tursell, 50 acres

Henry Abrams, 200 acres

James Spencer, 200 acres

John Storm, 200 acres

Thomas Gaddes

Benjamin Chew

Benjamin Shoemaker

Jacob Weysol

John Shue

Isaac Mairu (?)

George Woods

John Clark


Single Freemen

Andrew Friend

John Greathouse

Jacob Parker

Thomas Huff

Henry Bitner

Rueben Abrams

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