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The parents of the subject of this sketch, Solomon and Elizabeth (Uncafer) Shoemaker, came to this county from Loudon county, Virginia, at the beginning of the present century, and settled in Kiskiminetas township, where Spring church now is. Mr. Shoemaker, having entered 335 acres of land, built upon it a comfortable stone house, the first in the township, in which he and his wife resided until their deaths. They were the parents of six children�John, Joseph, Catharine, George, Margaret and Elizabeth, of whom George, Margaret and Elizabeth are still living. The first named and Elizabeth, wife of William Townsend, are in Kiskiminetas township, and Margaret, widow of R. Dentzell, lives in Apollo.

Joseph Shoemaker was born in Loudon county, Virginia, April 16, 1799, and came to this county an infant. He remained at home until after his marriage, which took place May 18, 1825. His wife was Miss Salome Weinel, daughter of Rev. William and Catharine (Frye) Weinel, born July 10, 1806. Seven children were the offspring of this marriage�William L., Josiah J., Theodore T., Sarah Jane, Alexander D., Maria C. and Anna Mary, of whom Sarah Jane and Maria C. are deceased. William L. went to Iowa in 1853, where he located a farm. He returned home, where he was married. On his return to Iowa he was taken sick, and died when within a few miles of his home. Josiah and Alexander live in Kiskiminetas township, Theodore T. is in Montana, and Mary (wife of Rev. P. Baker) in Fayette county, Pennsylvania.

Mr. Shoemaker and his wife lived with his parents until he could build a hewed-log house on a farm of 315 acres, which he purchased for a home. He afterward built a hewed-log barn. This land, for which he gave $700.37, was thickly covered with forest, and he began and successfully carried on the work of clearing it. In 1840 his farm had been brought into such good condition that he needed a new barn, and he built one, a frame structure, 75 X 50 feet. In 1845 he built the brick house in which his widow and son, Josiah J., now live, and which is probably the best farm dwelling in the township. Mr. Shoemaker began his career under difficulties, having to use the old-fashioned plow with a wooden moldboard, and similar primitive farm implements, but being an industrious man and a good manager, he developed his heavily-timbered land into a fine farm, and, with the aid of his excellent wife, secured for himself and family a pleasant home. Mr. Shoemaker died April 15, 1874, and this home passed into the possession of his son, Josiah J., and his sister, Mrs. Baker.

Mr. Shoemaker�s memory is cherished in the neighborhood in which, during life, he was an honored and useful citizen, and his humble but admirable character is regarded as worthy the emulation of all those who have to start in life, as he did, with no capital but sterling honesty and industry.

Source: Page(s) 248, History of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania by Robert Walker Smith, Esq. Chicago: Waterman, Watkins & Co., 1883.
December 1998 by Jim Wise for the Armstrong County Smith Project.
Contributed by Jim Wise for use by the Armstrong County Genealogy Project (

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