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Snyder, the seventh township, was organized in 1835, being taken from Pine Creek, and was called for Governor Simon Snyder. In 1843 a portion of the township was taken from it, on the formation of Elk county. The present boundaries of Snyder are: On the north, by Elk county; on the east by Elk and Clearfield; on the south, by Washington township and Clearfield county; and on the west by Polk and Warsaw.

Early Settlers -- In 1822 Alonzo and James W. Brockway settled on the Pfeffer tract, lottery warrant No. 34, which their father, John P. Brockway, had purchased at treasurer's sale, in Indiana, the year previous. This was the first settlement in Snyder township, and is where the town of Brockwayville now is. The next to settle in what is now Snyder township, was Jacob Shaffer, who located in 1823 on the Henry Sivert tract, and his brother-in-law, Henry Walborn, who located on the run known as Walborn Run, about a mile and a half above Brockway's.

Contributed for use by the Jefferson County Genealogy Project http://www.pa-roots.com/jefferson/)

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