Table of
Weights and Measures


4 1/2

Cups sifted flour 1 pound


Cups butter (solid) 1 pound


Cups granulated sugar 1 pound

3 1/2

Cups confectioner's sugar 1 pound

2 2/3

Cups powdered sugar 1 pound
2 1/3 Cup brown sugar 1 pound
4 1/3 Cups coffee grounds 1 pound
10 eggs (without shells) 1 pound
Pint milk or water 1 pound
Pint chopped meat (solid) 1 pound
2 Tablespoons butter (level) 1 pound
4 Tablespoons butter 2 ounces or
1/4 cup 
Tablespoons granulated sugar 1 ounce
4 Tablespoons flour 1 ounce
4 Tablespoons coffee 1 ounce
1 Tablespoon liquid 1/2 ounce
3 Teaspoons liquid 1 Tablespoon
4 Tablespoons liquid 1/2 gill or 1/4 cup
1/2 Cup 1 gill



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