
Transcribed by Patty Millich and Regina Moore

Brown Fricassee of Chicken  

Cut up the chicken and brown the pieces gradually in 2 tablespoons butter; be careful not to let butter burn; when browned nicely, remove from pan and to the fat add 2 tablespoons flour; mix and add 1 pint stock or water; stir constantly until it boils; add 1 slice onion, 1 bay leaf, add salt and pepper to taste.  Return chicken to pan, moving it around in the sauce; cover the pan, push it to back part of the stove and simmer slowly for 1 hour or until chicken is tender.  Dish on platter when done and add to the sauce 1/2 cup of cream, strain over the chicken and serve. 

 Mrs. J. B.  Nevling

 Stewed Chicken a la Mode

One chicken, 1 cup rice, 1 dozen pieces toasted bread, bouquet of parsley.  Stew chicken until tender, and make a gravy by thickening broth; boil rice and place in mould to cool; place mould of rice in center of platter; arrange cut chicken around this and pour gravy over chicken; place triangles of toast around edge of platter and garnish with a bouquet of parsley in center of rice.

 Mrs. R. D. Swoope

Chicken Souffle

One cup shredded cold chicken, 1 egg, 1 pint milk, 3 tablespoonfuls butter, 1 1/2 tablespoonfuls flour, bread crumbs.  Make a sauce of the milk, butter and flour, and add yolk of egg; beat white of egg until stiff and stir in; add shredded chicken, and pour into buttered ramekins; sprinkle with bread crumbs (mixed with a little butter) and set in pan of water in oven until browned.  (Salmon or any other cooked fish or meat may be used instead of chicken.)

 Mrs. R. D. Swoope

Chicken Croquets

One small boiled chicken, 2 pairs sweetbreads, chop as fine as possible separately, then mix, seasoning with chopped parsley, onion juice, white pepper, celery salt, lemon juice and salt.  Cream dressing for above:  1 pint cream, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 heaping tablespoons flour.  Heat cream.  Put butter in pan, when melted add flour and stir smooth, adding cream a little at a time.  Season with salt and pepper and pour over mixture above.  Spread on a platter until cold, then form into croquets.  Roll in bread crumbs, then in egg and again in crumbs and fry in deep fat.

Mrs. R. F. Nevling

Chicken a la King

 2 heaping cups of diced chicken meat, (white preferred) , 5 tablespoons olive oil, 3 tablespoons chopped pimentos, 6 tablespoons chopped green peppers, 1 tablespoon capers, 1 can mushrooms or 1 1/2 cups fresh mushrooms, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 3 cups rich cream, 2 1/4 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 egg yolks.  Cook mushrooms 5 minutes in the olive oil, then add the mixture to the chicken, capers, peppers and pimentos and add a dash of paprika and salt.  Prepare a white sauce of the butter, flour and cream, beating the 2 egg yolks and pouring the sauce into them when it is done.  Add the chicken mixture, heat thoroughly and serve on diamond shaped pieces of buttered toast.

Elizabeth Reed Eyster

  Bake Spanish Steak

Add 1 canned pimento, rubbed fine, to 1 pound minced beef, 1/2 pound minced veal and 1/4 pound minced ham and season with salt.  Form into a loaf and lay in a greased paper, folding it well together.  Set in a pan in hot oven and bake for 30 minutes or more, according to size.  When done remove paper, slip loaf on platter and dot with butter.

Mrs. J. Emmot Harder

  Spanish Steak

Three or 4 pounds of round steak cut 5 or 6 inches thick.  Flour a board and pound with saucer or slash with knife.  Work all the flour in it will possibly hold.  Brown in a very hot buttered pan. Remove to roaster and season well with salt and pepper.  Cover with a dozen tomatoes quartered or 1 quart of canned tomatoes, two Spanish onions sliced and 4 sweet peppers cut fine.  Roast in oven for 3 hours or until very tender.  This is delicious and makes a meal without much else.  Steak may be cooked in this way without vegetables.

Mrs.  John R. Gearhart

Spanish Steak

Cut fat and bone from nice large sirloin steak.  Take 2 large onions or several smaller ones, 2 green peppers, 3 or 4 tomatoes and chop all together.  Put steak in roaster, season and add small pieces of butter.  Put the chopped vegetables on the steak and cook in hot oven 30 or 35 minutes.

Mrs. Fred G. Betts

Steak Cooked in Oven

Take good sized sirloin steak.  Spread over it 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, 2 tablespoons of catsup, pepper, salt and small pieces of butter and a dash of flour.  Cook in hot oven 20 minutes.

Mrs. Fred G. Betts

Rolled Flank Steak

Have steak 1/4 inch tick, then go over one side with chopping knife, but do not cut through.  Spread with butter, dust with salt and roll up, tying securely.  Brown on all sides in a little hot fat, then place in a covered dish which is almost steam tight.  Set in hot oven and cook for one hour, then reduce heat and continue cooking, adding 1/4 cup of water if necessary.  The meat should not cook fast or it will be tough.  Thicken gravy and add a teaspoon of horse radish just before serving.

Mrs.  J. Emmot Harder

Baked Mince

One cup cold (ground) meat (any kind will do), 1 cup boiled rice, 1/2 cup milk, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons melted butter, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp pepper. Put the milk over the fire in a sauce pan, when hot add the other things, except the egg. Stir 2 minutes, remove from the fire, add the egg, well beaten, turn into a pudding dish and bake 20 minutes.

Virginia W. Bigler

Meat Loaf

Two pounds round steak, 1 pound veal, cook until tender, when cold grind with small piece onion, pieces of celery and parsley, beat 3 eggs until light, add water in which meat was cooked, thicken with cracker or bread crumbs, pour over meat, make stiff enough to mold in 1 large or 2 small loaves, season highly with salt, pepper and sage. Brown in oven, putting water and butter in pan with a slice of bacon on each loaf; baste frequently.

Virginia W Bigler

Beef Loaf

Three and one-half pounds of beef. Chop and mix with 6 soda crackers rolled fine, 3 well-beaten eggs, 1/2 tablespoon salt, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1 small nutmeg, 4 tablespoons cream. If meat is free from fat add lump of butter size of an egg. Mix all thoroughly, shape in a loaf and bake 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

Mrs. A.F. Boynton

Veal Loaf

Chop fine 2 pounds of veal steak, 2 ounces of salt pork or bacon, 1 slice onion, 1 green pepper, 4 common crackers (rolled fine), 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon paprika, 2 eggs well beaten, 2 tablespoons tomato puree, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and grated rind of 1 lemon. Bake on slices of bacon for 2 hours, basting often.

Mrs. Don Gingery

Meat Balls

Two cups ground cooked meat, 1 small onion (ground), 1 teaspoon ground parsley, 1 pint milk, 3 tablespoons butter, 1 1/2 tablespoons flour. Put cold cooked meat enough to make two cups through meat grinder. Make a white sauce of milk, butter and flour. Mix these together and season to taste; mould and roll in egg and bread crumbs and fry in hot fat.

Veal Cutlets, Horseradish Sauce

Wipe a slice of veal, and cut meat in pieces. Cover with boiling water, and simmer until meat is tender. Drain, sprinkle with salt, dip in egg and crumbs and fry in deep fat. For sauce, melt 2 tablespoons butter, and 1 tablespoon flour and 1 cup of the water in which the meat was cooked. Add 1/4 teaspoon salt, a few grains of pepper, a few drops of onion juice, 1 teaspoon grated horse radish root, and 1/4 cup of cream.

Mrs. Roll B. Thompson

Mrs. A. D. Rey

German Meat Balls

Season finely minced raw beef with salt and pepper and moisten with thick cream sufficiently to mould into cutlet form and broil. Serve with brown mushroom sauce as follows: Brown a slice of onion in 2 tablespoons of butter, add 2 tablespoons flour, salt, pepper and 1 cup stock. Stir until smooth using a wire egg whisk. Add 1-3 cup mushrooms sliced.

Mrs. R.F. Nevling

Spanish Hash

One pound Hamburg steak, 1 pint tomatoes, 1 cup cold boiled rice. Fry 2 minced onions in 1 tablespoon butter, add steak, tomatoes and rice. Season with salt and pepper. Cook mixture until smooth. Place in baking dish with buttered bread crumbs on top. Bake in oven until a golden brown.

Mrs. J. R. McMurray

Ham in Casserole

Put a large slice of ham, about 3 inches thick, in casserole. Cover top thickly with brown sugar, add a little pepper and 1 quart of milk. A small onion sliced, can also be added. Bake 3 hours in a moderate oven, turning and basting frequently.

Roast Venison

Keep compact; don't spread. Bind with twine if necessary; soak in vinegar water three or four hours, then wash off the vinegar. This process makes the meat tender and the meat will not taste of the vinegar. In roasting, baste repeatedly with its own juice and add water occasionally when necessary. Don't cook too long. When the fork passes into the flesh easily, it is done. If you add butter the flesh will brown too fast. Use fryings or lard. If you wish to destroy the wild taste of the meat, make several holes and insert a small piece of onion. When the flesh is cooked remove the onion.

Mrs. Anna Losch

Meat Loaf

One pound veal, 1/2 pound pork, 1 cup bread crumbs, 1/2 cup cream, 2 eggs well beaten, 1 tablespoon melted butter, salt, pepper, sage, chopped onion. Form into loaf, cover with strips of bacon and bake one hour, basting with one cup of water.

Mrs. Fred Reed

Baked Calf's Liver and Bacon

Wash liver, then cut part way through with sharp knife into 1/2 inch slices and place thin strips of bacon on slits. Fasten securely with skewers and lay on a pan greased with a little fat from bacon. Set in hot oven and baste often with drippings from bacon. Carefully watching after meat has been cooking for 20 minutes is necessary to prevent meat from getting too dry.

Mrs. J. Emmot Harder

Mock Venison

Cold sliced lamb or beef (any amount), 1/2 glass currant jelly, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons water. Put jelly and water in pan and let heat until jelly melts; add butter and let cook for about five minutes; add meat and cook until thoroughly heated; put meat on platter and pour sauce over it.

Mrs. R.D. Swoope

Chili Con Carne

Fry 1 lb. hamburg steak, and 2 chopped onions in butter until brown; add one pint of canned tomatoes, and when boiling add three-fourths cup “elbo” macaroni, and one teaspoon of mexene powder or Chili pepper. If you cannot get this seasoning use paprika and cayenne pepper. Salt to taste. Cook 1/2 hour and add one can kidney beans 10 minutes before serving. Serve with rice.

Mrs. E.C. Reeve

Spanish Chops

Take as many rib lamb chops as there are people to serve. Have them cut two inches thick, boned and rolled with piece of liver in center and thin slice of bacon around each chop held together with small skewers or tooth picks. Cook slowly in oven basting frequently.

Mrs. Hazard A Murray

Philadelphia Scrapple

Boil 1 lb. beef and 2 lbs. pork in about 4 qts. of water until thoroughly cooked. Put meat through chopper, add to liquid, season very highly with salt and pepper. Thicken with cornmeal, 2 parts to one of buckwheat flour about consistency of mush, cook one hour slowly, stirring very often.

Mrs. R.C. Wright



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