Clearfield County, PA

1880 Census

Surnames U - V

Developed and Submitted by John Casey

Page No.

Last Name

First Name

128a Ulich Austin
184b Ulis Elizabeth
255a Ulrich George
207b Ulrich Jacob
349b Understroms Ed
69b Utzinger Henry
   * V
119b Valdmere Alex
348a Valen John
10a Valentine John
266b Vallance William
310b Valucourt Henry
77b Van Horn Samuel
264b Van Horn Samuel
452b Vanausin Theodore
184a Vanchet Manios
185a Vancient August           .
185a Vancient Charles
301b Vandell M.
56a Vandermer Lizzie
60a Vandewest Ella
23b Vandovander Niel Y.
452b Vandusen Charles
143b VanEdgah Harry B.
33b Vanflett Walter
42a Vanhatten Samuel
257b Vanier Abraham
5b Vanleson Charles Charles
434a Vanscoyce George
434a Vanscoyce Walter
424a Vanscoyel Thomas J.
34b Vansice Thomas
451a Vargo T.
7a Varison Lydia W.
7a Varstoll Hensley
32b Vasbinder Charles J.
348a Vaseo George
292a Vaughn J.E.
290a Vaughn Thomas
236b Veafield James
185a Veard Alfred
302a Vebohn Julius
359a Vensen A.
299b Venson John
185a Verbeck Antterd
172a Verbeck Francis
114b Verns George W.
370b Vertz David
370b Vertz George
182b Vialimont F.F.
181a Vicaid Humider
182b Vicaid John
306a Vickers Johnathan
463b Vincent Alfred
120b Vink Kathy
283b Visco George
300a Visnoski Constan
300a Vissenesk Jacob
357a Vitters Lewis
325a Vogel John
293b Voice Mark
294a Voice William J.
457b Voight  Charles P.
47a Voinchel Ada
299b Vollock Joseph
349a Von Thomas
377a Voneville  Mary
340a Vroman H.H.
392a Vruad John
173b Vugo Nelson
203a Vunces William

Contributed by John Casey for use by the Clearfield County Genealogy Project (

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