Mason Hill Cemetery
Gibson Township
Cameron County, Pennsylvania

Surname First Name Middle Name Other Name Date of Birth Date of Death Age at Death Notes
Bailey H M
1830 1904

Bailey Jemima

1828 1896
Wife of H.M. Bailey
Barr Alzina

1839 1918

Barr Darius

1834 1888

Barr William U
1867 1904

Bennett John

14 April 1841 16 September 1923
Cpl Co C 104 Regt Pa Inf - Civil War
Cooper John H

14 September 1910
PVT co H 5 Reg PA Vol Heavy Art - Civil War
Duell Lon

18?? 19??

Duell Unknown

18?? 19??
Brother of Lon
English Gertie

17 December 1880
Daughter of John M & Helen English
English John E

17 April 1875 21 days Son of J.M. & H.M. English
Farley James P
28 March 1866 6 March 1883

Farley Joseph

6 December 1831 12 March 1904
Co G 1 Pa Rifles - Civil War
Farley Liza A
26 May 1841 28 February 1904
Wife of Joseph Farley
Hay Leona J
1865 1854

Hicks Emery G
1863 1940

Hicks Nancy E
1864 1941

Ives Effie

Ives Omar

Ives Violet

Johnson George A
1900 1977

Johnson Leola G
1900 1992

Jordan Cecil R
1916 1951
Co B 242 Engr Com Bn WWII
Jordan Clara

1855 1920
Jordan Ellen E
1896 1949

Jordan Georgia T
1904 1971

Jordan Howard L
1914 1932

Jordan James O

12 January 1920
PVT 146 PA Vol - Civil War
Jordan Kelley O

16 February 1892
Baby Son of O.H. & E.M. Jordan
Jordan Louis H
1879 1960

Jordan Martha Ann
1873 1949

Jordan Nancy Dora
9 November 1915 1 January 1938

Jordan Reuben E
1875 1960

Jordan Sarah J
1840 1923

Jordan Thomas U
1871 1965

Lane Howard H

2 March 1840 2 years 24 days Son of Wm & ? Lane
Lane Infant

Daughter of W.J. & M.A. Lane
Lane Infant

18 August 1884
Son of J.W. & N.E. Lane
Lane John W

25 April 1904 70 years 4 months 11 days
Lane Mary J

10 September 1878 38 years 8 months 10 days Wife of Wm John Lane
Lane Minnie

Lane Sarah


born in Leeds, England, wife of William, mother of Rachel b 1825, John b 1827, Mary b 1829, William b 1831, William John b 1833, Joseph b 1836, Sarah b 1840, Lydia b 1842, Robert b 1845, Hugh Bourn b 1847
Lane William


born in Leeds, England, husband of Sarah, father of Rachel b 1825, John b 1827, Mary b 1829, William b 1831, William John b 1833, Joseph b 1836, Sarah b 1840, Lydia b 1842, Robert b 1845, Hugh Bourn b 1847
Losey John

1823 1878

Losey Martha

1837 1911
Wife of John Losey
Losey Myrtle E

3 December 1882 3 years 10 months 13 days Child of L.E. & A. M.Losey
Losey Sarah E

21 August 1901 3 years 5 months Child of L.E. & A. M.Losey
Losey William E
1866 1887
Son of John & Martha Losey
Marsh Ambrose

War of 1812 - US17
Marsh David F

17 January 1912
Naval Service USS Silver Lake - Civil War
Marsh Roscoe

Son of Thomas & Sarah Marsh
Marsh Sarah

Daughter of Thomas & Sarah Marsh
Marsh Selana

1833 1918

McCoole Kenneth A
26 March 1922 26 January 1984
Pfc US Army WWII
Miller Perry R
12 July 1931 8 June 1986
SP5 USAF - Korea
Peasley C C

55th Co 2nd Batt V.H.C. - civil War
Russell James M

12 March 1908 88 years 11 months 12 days Co H 10 NY Cav - Civil War
Russell Susan P
1878 1918

Schaffer Frank Jr Paul
4 December 1928 22 February 1984
Cpl USA - Korea
Smith Florence A. E.
28 March 1870 4 January 1883
Child of A.R. & M.E. Smith
Smith Harvey H
12 October 1878 3 January 1883
Child of A.R. & M.E. Smith
Tanner O Buron
1863 1950

Tanner Virginia A
1861 1908


Cement marker with no name or dates

Cement marker with no name or dates

Cement marker with no name or dates

Cement marker with no name or dates

Cement marker with no name or dates

Cement marker with no name or dates

Cement marker with no name or dates

Cement marker with no name or dates

Cement marker with no name or dates

Cement marker with no name or dates
Walker Carlyle S
1823 1890
Walker John

1874 1883
Williams Bertie

5 July 1894 4 years Son of G.L. & Addie Williams
Williams Harry J

28 January 1902 25 years 10 months 16 days Son of Charles & Hannah Williams

SOURCE: Cemeteries and Burial Plots of Cameron County, Pennsylvania, Compiled by Sarah A and Iris S Caskey. The data has been used with there kind permission.


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